Forget multitasking: the real skill you need to compete in the business world and in life is efficiency. The ability to pick up new tricks and hacks quickly but effectively is priceless. This list of 100 awesome cheat sheets can help you to learn and do everything in less time, from working on your blog or designing a web page to losing weight and growing your own herb garden. … [Read more...]
Workplace efficiency: 100 Awesome Cheat Sheets to Learn and Do Everything in Less Time
Increasing productivity: Paper or Plastic? Managing Your To-Do Lists

Technology has given us so many options when it comes to keeping track of our to-do lists—Smartphones, web-based applications, desktop applications, PDAs—but figuring out the best system for you can be a real challenge (and a frustrating one at that). Interestingly enough, even with all the technology out there, informal research (mine and others’) still shows that when push comes to shove, most people still fall back on good old-fashioned paper. In fact, a survey shows that not only do most people use a paper to-do list, but that paper is more than twice as popular as any other method listed! Why is that? Because we’re human. Life doesn’t always happen when you’re sitting in front of your computer. We sit in meetings. We leave the office and go home. We travel. … [Read more...]
Go on a Low-Information Diet and Improve Your Efficiency!
Pretty much anybody you ask will tell you they’re pressed for time. There just aren’t enough hours to get it all done, yadda yadda yadda. So we prioritize, streamline, and simplify. You can improve your efficiency until you’re blue in the face, not to mention very tightly wound, but you still aren’t addressing one of the biggest time and energy wasters in your day: incoming information. As my 13-year-old daughter, Meagan, would text on her phone: “TMI” (translation: Too Much Information). If the 21st century has brought us anything, it is WAY too much information. You can watch several channels full of cable news 24 hours a day. You can surf the internet on any topic until you can’t see straight. Most people could heat their home with the amount of junk mail they receive on a continuous … [Read more...]
Business efficiency: The Importance of Productivity During Down Times visit for full newsletter Importance of Productivity during Down Times In the summer of 1900... • The average life expectancy in the United States was 47. • A three-minute call from Denver to New York City cost $11, which was an incredible sum because the average American made .22 cents an hour, or about $400 per year. • Most women only washed their hair once a month and used borax or egg yolks for shampoo. • Only 6% of all Americans had graduated from high school. • Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all available over the counter at corner drugstores. • There were about 230 reported murders in the US annually. Amazing what a century will change. Amazing what a few months will change. Growth ends, recession sets in, the … [Read more...]
Increasing employee productivity: an interview with Dave Kutayiah
I recently interviewd Dave Kutayiah, SR. VP of HR at ING Clarion Partners about how to increase employee productivity during down times. I specifically asked him,"How do you get more work out of fewer people?" He gave me permission to share his reply, because I believe my readers will also benefit: Laura, I am currently going through the same scenario with my HR team and my business partners are experiencing the same due to a recent workforce reduction. In a case like that, as a manager, you have to do the following: - ensure everyone understands why the team is leaner and meaner, - make sure everyone understands the strategy or gameplan and how they fit into the refined organization, - reinforce the importance of each team member and the fact that the stakes are much higher than … [Read more...]
Time-Saving Tips for the Holidays!

When was the last time you had a really relaxing holiday? I don’t mean that peaceful thirty-minute aftermath that follows a successful dinner party or the kids’ gift-opening extravaganza. I mean a holiday that is relaxing, from beginning to end. That includes travel, dinner preparations, and shopping. All it will take is a little organization and advance planning. Here are some tips to get you started. Plan your travel now. Need to be out of town to see family or friends? If you haven’t already made arrangements, make it a priority. Especially if you plan to fly, the best deals disappear fast. Get online and start shopping around as soon as you know where you need to be and when. Once the arrangements are made, start getting things squared away with work. Whether you need to … [Read more...]
Are Your Social Networking Profiles Helping or Hurting You?
Social networking is all the rage today. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace - the list goes on. It seems like everyone has one or more of these services, but how many people are thinking about how it can affect them professionally? And how does it affect your productivity? In terms of your professional image, there have been many news stories and articles about people getting fired or not getting hired for jobs because of the things they post on their profiles. In one of my time management seminars, a participant told me she didn’t hire an applicant because she researched his social sites and saw that he “wanted to do as little as possible for as much money as possible.” If you want to keep your social networking just "between friends," pay close … [Read more...]
Are Punctuation and Grammar Quandaries Punching Holes in Your Productivity?
Ever had an argument with a colleague about the commas in a sentence like the following? The battery pack gives you several options: 6 hours, 4 hours, 3 hours and 40 minutes, 2 hours and 45 minutes. Is that four options or five options? A comma before the last and makes it clear. But do you ALWAYS need a comma before that last and? Answer: No, the serial comma is optional. But you’re always safe to use it for clarity sake—as illustrated in the “battery-pack” sentence. Here are a couple tips to prevent grammar gaffes and save you a few minutes in reaching for a reference book: • The assure/insure/ensure dilemma: (All three words mean to give a guarantee—but they aren’t interchangeable.) Use assure only when you’re referring to someone talking or writing. Use insure only when … [Read more...]
The Why of Productivity – Who Cares, Anyway?
Why is productivity important? More importantly, why is productivity important to you? There is not just one pat answer to this question. My “why” is likely different than your “why.” One of the keys to productivity is finding YOUR “why.” For most people, an external reason like “My boss expects more of me” is not always the most motivating factor. For me, getting to the heart of why I do what I do is most motivating. Is the need to be more productive exciting and motivating to you, or does it drain and exhaust you just thinking about it? If the latter is true for you, perhaps you haven’t gotten clear on why being productive is important. It all comes down to your personal goals and what you want the picture of your life to look like. Sure, you may need to be more productive at … [Read more...]