With Us or Against Us?

Do your coworkers consider you a productive team player—or an annoying bottleneck in the workflow process? You may find this a hard question to face, but unflinching self-honesty is essential to maximizing your personal success. So no matter how helpful you believe you are, take the time every once in a while to review your workplace productivity through the eyes of your teammates. Never forget: your work represents part of a group effort that requires everyone involved to pull in the same direction. You may very well pull harder than anyone else on the team...but if you pull the wrong way, you're hurting, not helping. Seven Questions If you can't determine your productivity status at a glance, then ask yourself these seven questions—and answer them truthfully. 1. How much do I really … [Read more...]

Join the SuperCompetent Online Campaign

The book launch date is fast approaching, but it's not too late to join the online campaign for my new book, SuperCompetent: The Six Keys to Perform at Your Productive Best. We will list you on the SuperCompetentBook.com site as a partner with a link to your site, and all you need to do is send a message to your subscribers on Monday, August 9 to share with them the information about my new book. It's as easy as that! To join the campaign, visit Hasmark at http://hasmarkservices.com/campaigns/stack.html and sign up. … [Read more...]

SuperCompetent KEY #3: Attention

This month’s article correlates to the third key in my newest book SuperCompetent: The Six Keys to Perform at Your Productive Best (Wiley), to be released on August 16: ATTENTION. Simply put, attention is the ability to concentrate and not get distracted. SuperCompetent workers are always tightly focused: on getting the job done, on their department's success, on their company's success, on the success of their own careers. They home in like a bloodhound on the task at hand, rather than flitting from one thing to another. Distractions are ignored or shunted aside. They avoid negative chat and whining and are proud of what they've accomplished at the end of the day. SuperCompetent people don't have nifty time-stretching devices like the one Hermione uses in the Harry Potter series to … [Read more...]

Business Efficiency: Audio Podcast: Resolve to Stop the Meeting Madness!

Around this time of year, everyone begins thinking about making resolutions and getting organized for greater productivity in the New Year. If I could pick a single goal for everyone, it would be revamping those time-sucking meetings! (C) 2010 Laura Stack, www.TheProductivityPro.com Powered by Podbean.com … [Read more...]

Business Efficiency: The Productivity Minute Video 28: The Disorganized Road Warrior

How do you stay productive and organized on the road? (c) 2010 Laura Stack www.theproductivitypro.com … [Read more...]

Business Efficiency: The Productivity Minute Video 27: Meetings Where Minutes are Kept and Hours are Wasted

Laura Stack talks about meetings and how you can make them more productive. (c) 2010 Laura Stack www.theproductivitypro.com … [Read more...]

Business Efficiency: The Productivity Minute #25: Do You Really Need to Answer That?

Is being tied to technology controlling your time? Do you have to answer every cell phone call right away? Laura Stack talks about the interruptions that technology use brings and how to not be controlled by them. (C) 2010 Laura Stack www.theproductivitypro.com … [Read more...]

Audio Podcast: Precision Social Media – Efficiency Strategies and Tactics

When it comes to time management, social media can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it can help you make connections and expand your professional network faster than ever before. On the other hand, you can dump countless hours into social networking sites and see little return on the investment. Here are five things you can start doing right away to help you use social media efficiently and productively. (C) 2009 Laura Stack. www.TheProductivityPro.com Powered by Podbean.com … [Read more...]

Business Efficiency: FREE Webinar with Laura Stack January 7

Leave the Office Earlier with Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro®, Day-Timer, and Office Depot January 7  from 10AM-11AM Mountain Time. ** Sponsored by Day-Timer and Office Depot ** Do you find yourself continually racing against time? Do you feel that you have so much to do that it’s difficult to get anything done? Managing time effectively is the key to managing your individual performance. Time management is much more complicated than making a list and checking things off. Learn how to set priorities and focus on what’s truly important, plan and schedule your day, and organize your time management system. Attend this special webinar with Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro®, and you'll learn how to achieve Maximum Results in Minimum Time®. Get your work done efficiently and leave the … [Read more...]

Laura Stack’s books featured on Slideshare

Slideshows featuring three of Laura Stack's published works are featured at Slideshare.net and have received hundreds of views.  Get an overview of each of her books with tips from each chapter on how to leave the office earlier, find more time, and beat exhaustion! … [Read more...]