Go on a Low-Information Diet and Improve Your Efficiency!

Pretty much anybody you ask will tell you they’re pressed for time. There just aren’t enough hours to get it all done, yadda yadda yadda.  So we prioritize, streamline, and simplify.  You can improve your efficiency until you’re blue in the face, not to mention very tightly wound, but you still aren’t addressing one of the biggest time and energy wasters in your day: incoming information.  As my 13-year-old daughter, Meagan, would text on her phone: “TMI” (translation: Too Much Information). If the 21st century has brought us anything, it is WAY too much information. You can watch several channels full of cable news 24 hours a day. You can surf the internet on any topic until you can’t see straight. Most people could heat their home with the amount of junk mail they receive on a continuous basis.  Imagine the time and productivity lost just sorting though it all! So why not join me and put yourself on a low-information diet? Make this the year that you say “NO MORE!” to the endless onslaught of time-wasting, productivity-eating, stress-inducing STUFF coming at you.  Listen to the full podcast episode

(C) 2009 Laura Stack.  www.TheProductivityPro.com



  1. The most highly revered diet loss herb is green tea. Other types of herbs usually come with serious side effects, so it is usually best to stick with green tea. You add in healthy meals of veggies and low-fat proteins, and you have a week-long, healthy detox that is a terrific way to jumpstart a diet loss plan. I do this detox several times a year, just to help keep my system balanced. If you took good notes, then you’ll be able to use the review process as a learning experience to fine tune your rapid diet loss.


  1. […] you ever find yourself paralyzed by information overload, try scaling back as far as you possibly can. Ideally, you’ll end up well below your […]