I recently interviewd Dave Kutayiah, SR. VP of HR at ING Clarion Partners about how to increase employee productivity during down times. I specifically asked him,”How do you get more work out of fewer people?” He gave me permission to share his reply, because I believe my readers will also benefit:
I am currently going through the same scenario with my HR team and my business partners are experiencing the same due to a recent workforce reduction.
In a case like that, as a manager, you have to do the following:
– ensure everyone understands why the team is leaner and meaner,
– make sure everyone understands the strategy or gameplan and how they fit into the refined organization,
– reinforce the importance of each team member and the fact that the stakes are much higher than before,
– define your expectation for each member as well as the collective group,
– inform them of the accountability framework that you are putting in place (ie consequence at an individual level if they don’t get the job done according to the new rules of engagement),
– identify resources that they may access to help get the job done, and
– ensure they know that you are supportive, available and understanding of the limitations of the smaller team, but you see opportunities for them to step up and take on stretch assignments and learning opportunities that might have otherwise been more limited with a larger team.
Dave G. Kutayiah
Senior Vice President
Human Resources
ING Clarion Partners