Are Punctuation and Grammar Quandaries Punching Holes in Your Productivity?

Ever had an argument with a colleague about the commas in a sentence like the following?   The battery pack gives you several options:  6 hours, 4 hours, 3 hours and 40 minutes, 2 hours and 45 minutes.  Is that four options or five options?  A comma before the last and makes it clear.   But do you ALWAYS need a comma before that last and?  Answer:  No, the serial comma is optional.  But you’re always safe to use it for clarity sake—as illustrated in the “battery-pack” sentence. Here are a couple tips to prevent grammar gaffes and save you a few minutes in reaching for a reference book: • The assure/insure/ensure dilemma:  (All three words mean to give a guarantee—but they aren’t interchangeable.) Use assure only when you’re referring to someone talking or writing.  Use insure only when … [Read more...]

Change is productive

With all the US Presidential election behind us, regardless of your political persuasion, let's talk about the big message of the Obama campaign: change.  If you want to become more productive, you'll have to be willing to make changes and create new, positive habits and leave old habits behind.  It is easy to become set in our ways and continue doing things the way we've always done them because, well, it's how we've always done them.  I'll take a line from Dr. Phil and ask "How's that working for you?"  Content, satisfied people are not apt to make changes.  After all, if everything is going along swimmingly, what's to change?  But people and organizations must continue to change for things to improve.  If your relationship with your significant other never changed, it would never grow … [Read more...]

What’s a ROWE? Understanding the Results-Only Work Environment

Understanding the Results-Only Work Environment

The biggest workplace revolution since the cubicle might someday make those stuffy little offices obsolete. It’s a whole new way to look at work. Picture this…what if…work weren’t a place that you GO…but it was a thing that you DO. That’s the idea behind the Results-Only Work Environment (ROWE)—a concept originally conceived at Best Buy that has spread to organizations across many industries. It sounds so simple, but it can be a very tricky concept for some of us to wrap our heads around, especially for those that have been in a traditional workplace for a long time. Think about it. We talk about “burning the midnight oil.” We notice which cars are always in the parking lot at the end of the day. We listen to self-proclaimed go-getters brag about their 80-hour workweeks. But … [Read more...]

A Healthy Worker is a Productive Worker: take care of yourself during the holidays

It's only logical that the healthier you are, the more productive you can be.  Think about it - the last time you were ill, how much work did you really get done?  It is so easy today to neglect ourselves because we are "too busy" or "too tired."  We're coming up on that busy holiday time of the year where everyone seems harried and has too much to do.  The holiday season doesn't have to be a drain.  Now is the time to take steps to keep yourself healthy! 1. Get enough sleep!  I know, easier said than done - but it is important! 2. Get your flu shot.  No, it isn't fun, but neither is the flu.  3. Don't neglect your exercise routine.  It is easy during the holiday season to skip over your regular workouts.  Try to stick to your routine, and you'll feel better! 4. Treat … [Read more...]

The Holidays are Coming! Get Ready by Clearing the Clutter

With the holiday season right around the corner, NOW is a great time to do some purging in the office and at home.  December is a big month for donating used materials, household items and clothing---not only because of the holiday spirit of giving---but because December 31 is the last day of the year to get in your tax-deductible donations!  With this in mind, do you really want to spend your precious holiday time frantically cleaning out your closets, office and basement, instead of spending it with family and friends? So start now!  Do just a bit at a time so as not to become overwhelmed, but still in time to get it all done well before the end of the year.  Pick one place to start like your office or your bedroom closet, or your kitchen cupboards.  Really take stock of what is there.  … [Read more...]

Laughter is Good for Productivity

Humor in the workplace is a productive thing, according to Psychologist Maren Rawlings from Swinburne University of Technology.  In a recent study, Rawlings "found a direct correlation between the climate of good humor in a workplace and employee satisfaction."  Previous research found a link between job satisfaction and productivity, so the logical leap is that humor is good for productivity.  Of course this doesn't mean we can spend our entire days cracking jokes, but it says to me that we can lighten up and laugh a little.  Rawlings also noted "If employers take measures to encourage a positive humor climate in the workplace, they are more likely to retain their staff." Keeping the staff you have rather than experiencing turnover is clearly more productive than re-hiring and training … [Read more...]

Don’t Panic, Just Unplug a Bit

Times are uncertain. The news programs and websites are all gloom and doom, full of distractions with the financial "crisis" and the upcoming elections. How do we stay productive when Chicken Little is screaming "the sky is falling"? Turn it all off, at least for a while.  Stay off the news websites during the work day. Schedule yourself for some time to read up on the candidates, ballot issues and news that is important to you, but outside of that, turn it off. Keeping the TV on and constantly being on news websites is information overload that creates undue stress. What's going to happen is going to happen and you watching it unfold on CNN is not going to change anything. What we CAN do to help is to stay productive so that our businesses and households are as healthy as they can be. … [Read more...]

The Why of Productivity – Who Cares, Anyway?

Why is productivity important?  More importantly, why is productivity important to you?  There is not just one pat answer to this question.  My “why” is likely different than your “why.”  One of the keys to productivity is finding YOUR “why.”  For most people, an external reason like “My boss expects more of me” is not always the most motivating factor.  For me, getting to the heart of why I do what I do is most motivating.  Is the need to be more productive exciting and motivating to you, or does it drain and exhaust you just thinking about it?  If the latter is true for you, perhaps you haven’t gotten clear on why being productive is important. It all comes down to your personal goals and what you want the picture of your life to look like.  Sure, you may need to be more productive at … [Read more...]

Technology: a Productivity Blessing or Curse?

Technology: a Productivity Blessing or Curse?

Anyone who works in the business world knows that technology can be both a blessing and a curse. At its best, it allows us to do more in less time. At its worst, it’s a frustrating, productivity draining distraction. As we rely more and more on our various gizmos and gadgets, productivity can become a tricky thing. It’s like the prescription drugs they advertise on TV—sure the stuff works as advertised—but just listen to all those side effects! Read on for a few technological side effects that might be creeping into your work or home life: May cause drowsiness. The best and worst thing about technology is improved access to information and the ability to work from virtually anywhere. For you this might mean traveling with your laptop, never being without your Blackberry, or … [Read more...]

Results-Only Work Environment

I found an article at very interesting.  Separating hours on the job from results has been a boost to productivity in many situations.  Outside of the service based or retail environments, should our productivity be based on hours spend on the job, or on what is accomplished?  Some companies, like Best Buy, have implemented the Results-Only Work Environment or “ROWE,” and finding success.  When I chat with audience members after giving a keynote speech, they tell me about coworkers who spend 10-12 hours a day in the office and get nothing done.  That's because being physically in the office has little to do with productivity.  Some people can be there ten hours a day and get virtually nothing done, while others can accomplish great amounts of work in just a few hours.   Part of … [Read more...]