These days, most of us use handheld technology in all aspects of our daily lives, blurring the boundaries between work and home. Has this made you feel more overworked and less energized? If so, you need to learn how to break free from technology, turn it off regularly, stop letting it control you, and unplug in ways that boost your energy. Let's chat about your electronic habits, and about how to regain control. 1. Plan your screen time and stick to it. It's unnatural to focus on a computer or TV screen for hours on end instead of interacting with people. Yet this is precisely what most people do -- and the subsequent feelings of social isolation and depression can be quite damaging to your energy level. 2. Put your life first. Don't let technology eat up your free time; technology … [Read more...]
Does your working environment boost or bust your productivity?
Studies have proven that lighting, décor, smell, noise level, temperature, ergonomics, and color can all affect how you feel. If your environment's draining you dry, try these tips for a little refreshment. 1. Make sure your workspace is ergonomically designed. Constant discomfort is a great way to lose energy fast. Look into the possibility of getting ergonomic tools and furniture for your workplace, so you can stay productive. 2. Avoid RMIs. If you perform the same motions over and over again, you may end up with a repetitive motion injury (RMI) like carpal tunnel syndrome, Blackberry thumb, or bursitis. If you're having a nagging pain, see your doctor and determine what behaviors might be causing it -- and what you can do to avoid it. 3. Create a well-lit office space. Bad lighting … [Read more...]
Create closure on things that bother you and eliminate frustrations
Isn't it amazing how much energy you can spend stewing about things? If you get too agitated, you might be completely unable to focus on other tasks. If that's the case, you're no good for anything until you can calmly address the issue. You need to learn to create closure on the things that bother you, so you can get on with life. Here's how. 1. Avoid energy vampires. Some people can drain your energy in five minutes flat. Stay away from people who constantly criticize you, who gossip and create drama, who are mean, or who are just incurably rude. 2. Be assertive in annoying situations. If don't state your needs in plain English, you're unlikely to get what you want. Being assertive isn't the same as being aggressive; be polite, and let the people around you know you're willing to help … [Read more...]
Exercise? But I don’t have the energy to exercise!
It will infuse your energy and boost your mood. It will help you lose weight and decrease your risk of disease. It is a miracle! But 80% of Americans don't take it, even at its lowest dosage. Why? Because it's exercise. Exercising will give you the energy you need, because it speeds up blood flow and your breathing rate, which brings more oxygen to your heart, lungs, brain, and muscles -- and when it comes to high energy, oxygen is your friend. Here's what you can do to bring on the O2: 1. Do something for thirty minutes. Any type of aerobic exercise strengthens your heart and lungs and improves blood flow. It also releases endorphins (nature's painkillers), improves your mood, and fortifies you against minor viral illnesses. 2. Stop relying on your car so much. Walking is an … [Read more...]
How will sugar, water, and stimulants affect my work during the day?
Poor nutrition can be as draining as the wrong diet, and the consequences can sneak up on you. If you're constantly dragging, and you suffer headaches or an inability to get enough sleep despite following proper sleep habits, you may be suffering from a nutritional deficiency. Sometimes, all you have to do to power up your energy is to recognize the symptoms of nutritional imbalances, and then to take steps to address them. These tips can help you with that. 1. Get a good balance of essential nutrients. Things can go wrong with your body if you don't make sure it gets all it needs to function right. Check your symptoms, and eat more of what you might be lacking. Vitamins may be in order, too. 2. Replace favorite foods with metabolism-boosting substitutes. Too much sugar can activate … [Read more...]
The Critical Importance of Sleep to Your Personal Productivity
SLEEP: Learn to Love the Last Letter of the Alphabet You might be surprised to learn that there's a simple treatment that boosts energy levels, improves memory, increases your ability to concentrate, strengthens your immune system, and decreases your risk of death and injury in accidents. Amazingly, it costs absolutely nothing, and is available to anyone. It's called "sleep." Ever heard of it? Quality, restful, undisturbed sleep is one of the keys to maximizing your daytime energy level, but it may take a little tinkering to find what's right for you. Here are a few tips that can help. 1. Catch the right number of Z's. Experiment with finding the amount of sleep that's right for you, and stick with it religiously -- even on the weekends and holidays! 2. Nap wisely. If you absolutely … [Read more...]
Time management is dead: The new reality of productivity

We’ve all been there. There’s mail piled up on the corner of your desk. You have 37 unread e-mails. The phone is ringing (not that phone – the other phone). And you’ll be lucky if you can get through three of the fifteen items on your to-do list.Oh – and you have four hours of meetings ahead of you.It didn’t used to be this way. The world has changed in the last decade or so. Has your approach to time management changed with it?If you find yourself stressed out and frustrated every time you try to hunker down and take control of your time, there’s a good chance that’s because you need a new way to think about time management. Don’t fall into the trap of trying to force yourself to work within a system that just isn’t compatible with the pace of your day or the nature of your work. Just … [Read more...]
Beat the Bandits that Rob Your Time
Pests are the time-wasters and robbers that keep you from being able to accomplish your goals, the "termites" that eat away at your personal foundations. Getting rid of them may seem difficult at first, but it's amazing how good we are at eliminating time-wasters when forced to. Try these pointers and see what you can accomplish. 1. Confront problems head-on and make decisions quickly. Indecisiveness is a big time-waster and a major pest in your quest to be productive. The ability to make quick decisions is the hallmark of a good leader and efficient person. 2. Complete the tasks you start. Don't let projects stall; make a running list keeping track of them so you know what's due next, and break them down into smaller pieces to get them done easier. 3. Keep interruptions from … [Read more...]