Get back to your hotel earlier

So I check into the Crowne Plaza today. Executive level. Nice suite. A neat package on my bed, based on advice from a sleep expert, Michael Breus of SoundSleep Solutions, containing ear plugs, eye mask, lavender spray, and a sleep CD. Amazing. I go over to the concierge lounge to get a snack and a glass of wine. Settle in. Two businessmen enter, bartender greets them as they are obviously regulars like NORM, "Hey! Got out a bit sooner tonight!" "Yeah," one replies, "we were able to leave earlier than usual." I about fall over. Wouldn't it be cool to partner with a hotel in a similar fashion, to help their guests be more productive at the client site, so they could leave the office earlier, get back to the hotel sooner, and enjoy the amenities the hotel has to … [Read more...]

What are you tolerating today?

I just got fed up.  My Treo 600 wasn't connecting to my email server unless it had a really full battery charge.  Which wasn't a problem IF I remembered to plug it in every night.  Until a few days ago, when I forgot, and I was out and about on appointments and couldn't get my messages.  I'd been putting up with this for several weeks, because the battery is internal and can't easily be replaced.  So I just bought the new Treo 700p and am so jazzed!  I can watch tv, view Web sites easily, use my new bluetooth ear piece, and take really great pictures and videos.  Why didn't I do this sooner?  Then I started looking around and wondering what else I've been tolerating that's irritating or otherwise slowing me down.  My printer!  Ugh!  … [Read more...]

Creating a productive environment

What do you surround yourself with to make you feel productive?  I have an "I love me" wall with degrees, certificates, awards, etc., to remind myself that I am living up to a lot of expectations.  I keep a wall calendar to remind me that my job is to keep it full with speaking engagements.  I have photos of my family, husband, and children, to remind me that a lot of people are depending upon me.  I keep my dog and cat running around in my office to remind me to play.  And my newest environmental addition...two Siamese fighting fish (a.k.a. betta fish) fancy filtration systems needed. Just watching them swim around on my desk relaxes me and knowing I get to feed them gives me another good reason to look forward to coming to work.  The glass … [Read more...]

Get out of town and take a vacation

Have you taken your allotted vacation time this year?  If not, check out  I'm quoted on my advice for a 10-day vacation, but it's easy to miss within the article.  I've always thought one week was too short for a vacation, but two weeks seemed a bit too long, especially if I don't have my children with me.  So I've come to enjoy a compromise at 10 days.  It's long enough where I can relax and forget what day it is but short enough where I don't come back to an overwhelming workload.  If you take these 10 days tagged on to Memorial Day weekend, July 4 weekend, or Labor Day weekend, you end up with 2 full weeks and three weekends, which gives you time at the end of your vacation to get organized and back … [Read more...]

Why Should You Care About Productivity?

I've had several people email me in the last few days about the U.S. productivity figures released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics a few weeks ago.  Great news.  3.2% increase in the first quarter.  But not quite where we were in 2002-2003 with levels over 4%.  One quarter in 2003 had over 8%!  That's when we were all working like dogs, when everyone was afraid of losing their jobs, before employees screamed "enough"! But still it's absolutely amazing that we can sustain this level of productivity.  Fundamentally, why should you care?  Well, why does your organization care about  productivity? In order to be successful, your organization must both make money and save money. To make money, it must find and keep customers. To save money, … [Read more...]

What Saps Your Energy?

I’m doing some primary research on productive energy.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that fatigue and lack of energy affect more than 14 million people between the ages of 17-69.  Nothing sounds more attractive to you than putting your heads down for a quick nap, and you sleepwalk through the day, fuzzyheaded and lethargic.  People who lack energy can’t work on big projects at work or home without the drive or desire—the oomph—to be productive.  Just think of all the wonderful business and personal goals people could accomplish if they just had the energy to get up and go! If this sounds like you, I’d like to hear from you!  What saps YOUR energy?  Fill in the blank..."I could be more productive if __________."  … [Read more...]

England Against Long Hours: a holiday of their own

Think Americans are the only ones concerned with long hours?  Check out   “Over five million people at work in the United Kingdom regularly do unpaid overtime.”  Sheesh, if we in the United States could only be so lucky to have such a low number.  They believe there are five main reasons why people do unpaid overtime, so take the quiz and find out if you’re a “Stay Late Sheep,” a “Beast of Burden,” a “Cat Herder,” a “Chaos Theorist,” or a “Desk Junkie.” We have National Leave the Office Earlier day, and the United Kingdom has Work Your Proper Hours Day!  According to the site, February 21 marks the day when the average person who does unpaid overtime finishes the unpaid days they do every year and starts earning for themselves.  … [Read more...]

Employee Obesity and Productivity

I just read a white paper by Leade Health called "Employee Obesity is Number One Factor in Productivity Loss." The organization is of course trying to get businesses to sign up for its "health coaching" program for weight management, which I'm sure has merit, obesity REALLY the number one factor in productivity loss?  I mean, come on!  More than useless meetings?  Hundreds of emails every day?  Co-workers "dropping in" to chat?  Surfing the Net and doing personal business?  Those things affect all of us, regardless of our shape and size. The paper cites research that a Body Mass Index (BMI) at risk (>27) yields an average productivity loss of 5.79 hours per week in absenteeism, disability costs, and worker productivity, which is even higher than productivity loss related to … [Read more...]

Leave Early Fast Company blog

Keith Hammonds posted a comment on the Fast Company magazine blog: "Are you still in the office? In New York, it's nearly 6 pm on the eve of a holiday weekend. What are you doing there? (What am I?) What's keeping you from going home? Right now? Do you really have so much work that has to get done, or did you spend too much time in useless meetings, or responding to needless emails? Or, you know, checking the stats for your Roto league? I got a note from the PR rep for someone named Laura Stack, who calls herself "The Productivity Pro." Stack apparently "has declared June 2nd as National Leave the Office Earlier Day. This national holiday encourages workers to eliminate time wasting behaviors and improve productivity habits. With better behaviors, workers can leave the office … [Read more...]

Productivity, Tendonitis, and Treos

I remember reading some of the citations about "Blackberry Thumb," years/months ago and thinking, “How ridiculous.  You mean to tell me they actually have a definition of this condition?”  Yep!  It’s "A repetitive stress injury characterized by swelling and pain at the base of the thumb and caused by prolonged use of the thumb while operating a BlackBerry or other personal digital assistant."  Well, now I’m not laughing so loud.  I went to the hand surgeon today with a severe, stabbing pain at the base of my thumb and wrist.  I left after a diagnosis for tendonitis, a cortisone shot in the joint, a wrist brace to sleep in for one month, and a strict admonishment to not hold my phone … [Read more...]