Time Log Activity

If you ever come to the end of the work day, throw up your hands, and exclaim "What happened?!!" you might need to get a grip on your time.  But it's hard to make adjustments in your time management behaviors if you don't know where the time even went.  If your days go by in a blur, and you don't feel you've accomplished anything significant, you might want to track your time.  I've placed a time log template, instructions, and analysis directions on my site at https://theproductivitypro.com/FreeStuff/Time_Log.doc.  Perhaps with a little data, you can tweak your routines and see some improvement. … [Read more...]

Productivity Boost Using Three Screens Per Worker

I'm mulling about my monitor.  I was reading an article at online.wsj.com/articles/talking_tech about a research study done by Microsoft's Center for Information Work, which looks at the way office workers use computers.  They found that with three monitors per worker, productivity jumped NINE PERCENT.  That's unreal.  Nine percent might not seem like a lot to you, but it's getting to the point where it's really hard to squeeze a few extra productivity points out of workers, so that's a very large amount.  When you look at the stock market trading floor, you see multiple monitors everywhere---that group has already realized it's required to see all that information. Perhaps I wouldn't have three monitors, but I'm seriously considering adding a second.  It … [Read more...]

Is Socializing a Waste of Time?

I read with a mixture of interest and amusement an article referencing a study done by OfficeTeam/ Robert Half International about whether socializing at work around the water cooler is a waste of time.  http://www.centralvalleybusinesstimes.com/stories/001/?ID=2278 Predictably, workers said no.  Predictably, managers said yes.  The answer, of course, is YES...and NO.  This is a silly study.  As with any study, it's easy to skew the numbers.  The answers vary, depending upon the context in which it's discussed and your point of reference.  Certainly, socializing can be a waste of time.  Thirty minutes spent chatting about your aunt Sally's surgery could qualify as a non-value producing activity.  However, not all socializing is a waste of … [Read more...]

A First Look at the 2007 Microsoft Office System

I recently participated in the “Microsoft Office System Webcast: A First Look at the 2007 Microsoft Office System” that previewed some of the new features of Microsoft Office 2007. I’m excited about the changes I saw.  While the move from Office 2000 to Office 2003 brought us mostly cosmetic changes, there is a lot of new, improved functionality in Office 2007.  Here are some of my favorites: ·        The menu system is replaced by a “ribbon,” which is essentially a customized tool bar with buttons for each command. ·        The ribbon opens a series of “command tabs” that are contextual, meaning they only appear when you need them.  So you don’t always have your menu bar cluttered up by a bunch of icons that are meaningless at the time.  Each application has its own set of command … [Read more...]

Get out of town and take a vacation

Have you taken your allotted vacation time this year?  If not, check out http://search.csmonitor.com/2006/0612/p13s02-wmgn.htm.  I'm quoted on my advice for a 10-day vacation, but it's easy to miss within the article.  I've always thought one week was too short for a vacation, but two weeks seemed a bit too long, especially if I don't have my children with me.  So I've come to enjoy a compromise at 10 days.  It's long enough where I can relax and forget what day it is but short enough where I don't come back to an overwhelming workload.  If you take these 10 days tagged on to Memorial Day weekend, July 4 weekend, or Labor Day weekend, you end up with 2 full weeks and three weekends, which gives you time at the end of your vacation to get organized and back … [Read more...]

Wi-fi on airplanes: a much-needed productivity boost!

http://www.usatoday.com/tech/wireless/2006-06-05-inflight-broadband_x.htm Following a winning $31.3 million-dollar bid, AirCell, a Colorado-based company that provides wireless services for corporate jets, is now poised to provide wireless service on public airliners as early as 2007.  This would be absolutely amazing for personal productivity, allowing you to do the same work you do in the office, on your Blackberry, in the hotel, at Starbucks and in the airport lounge.  Bravo!  Many people complain about travel, citing a huge productivity drain.  Now they won't have anything to blame, and the excuse will vanish.  The real reason for not getting work done will emerge: a good book, a stiff drink, the prospect of a nap.  NOW we'll see where the rubber hits the … [Read more...]

It’s not Leave Work Early Day!!

This is a sure way to bug me.  My holiday gets slaughtered all the time.  Here's a radio station actually hosting an event at a bar at 3:00 tomorrow, June 2, and encouraging people to attend, because after all, it's National Leave Work Early Day.  http://www.krystal93.com/  Arrgh! Not that I mind the bar.  I really like martinis and frozen margaritas!  But this is the stuff that gives productivity a bad rap.  Let's set the record straight: National Leave the Office Earlier Day does NOT encourage people to play hookey.  Rather, it encourages people to be more productive during the day, managing their time better, and eliminate time wasters, with the goal of leaving earlier than the normal 10-12 hour day workers often log.  Through better productivity, you CAN get down to eight hours, … [Read more...]

Research confirms IM is bad for productivity

http://interruptions.net/literature/Speier-ICIS97-p21-speier.pdf This is an academic paper, so you probably won't want to read the entire thing, but the results of the research have interesting implications for "organizational electronic mail systems that have been implemented to enhance productivity."  I've always said that workers should disable the global alerts in Outlook that notify them every time a new message is received.  Now this study confirms how bad desktop alerts are on concentration and productivity!  The findings from this research suggest that instant notification features be disabled in order to avoid exacerbating the number of interruptions knowledge workers receive. Go to Tools, Options, Preferences tab, Email options, advanced email options, … [Read more...]

Time Saving Tips for Map Junkies

Are you a map junkie? Here are some cool map features on the Web, built around Google Maps: • Zip codes: type in a Zip code and see an outline of that Zip code area on the map; or click on the map and find the Zip code. maps.huge.info/zip.htm • What time is it? Click on the map anywhere in the world (or type in a city/country name), and see the local time in the nearest big city, also international country/city phone codes. www.gchart.com • How far did you walk? Double-click on points on the map; you'll see the route traced and the cumulative length of the route in miles (with mileage markers displayed). www.gmap-pedometer.com submitted by Ken Braly ([email protected]) … [Read more...]

What’s a WIKI?

Do you wiki? What is a wiki? A wiki is web software designed for collaboration. Unlike a traditional website where pages can only be read, in a wiki everyone can edit, update and append pages with new information, all without knowing HTML. Multiple people in same or different locations can all edit the same documents and create a shared archive. I like Jot.com. You don’t have to install a thing, and if you can use Microsoft Word, you can use JotSpot. JotSpot's wiki can be used in numerous ways: Create a corporate intranet Manage projects Collaborate on documents Keep a backup copy of your email by cc’ing your wiki Maintain the department birthday calendar … [Read more...]