Microsoft at Work article

My article "7 Ways to Leave the Office Earlier" was posted in the Microsoft at Work newsletter at I'd love to hear your strategies, secrets, and tips for how you get out of the office earlier and keep from working late nights!  Ideas? … [Read more...]

Keeping Your Energy Up During the Day

I asked my newsletter readers "What do you do to keep your energy up during the day?" and received the following replies.  Please comment if you have a tip to add! Hi, I do little 'sprints' through out the day, especially if I am feeling tired. I will get up & run in place or walk quickly around the house for 5-10 minutes (I work at home) it gives me just enough of energy bursts to keep me going. Thanks, Misty Misty Kenner- creativity coach I live in the Midwest. I work for a larger company in a smaller town.  I am fortunate that the parking lot at work is not that large. When I feel tired, during my lunch break I will go out to the car (truck), recline the seat and catch a short "catnap".  15-20 minutes … [Read more...]

Delegate when someone else can do it better and faster and cheaper

I recently visited my grandparents (ages 81 and 86) and discovered a treasure trove of old family photographs.  Especially precious were the ones of my mother as a little girl (none of which she had seen before) and my great-grandmother, whom I vaguely recall visiting before she passed away.  With seven children, my grandparents had no idea how they were going to split them up after they passed, since many were one-of-a-kind.  My easy answer was to scan them, save them as .jpg files, and make CDs for each of my six uncles and my mother.  So I packed my precious cargo in my suitcase and headed home.  Then it hit me…what exactly did I get myself into?  I counted the photos: 282.  I quickly realized the huge time commitment and realized I was of course able … [Read more...]

How Parents Can Help Their Children Get Organized and Learn to Be Productive Part 6

In this society, you’ve likely been brainwashed to believe that you aren’t a good parent unless your child plays competitive soccer by the time she’s ten, she’s active in the Girl Scouts, can play the piano masterfully, and swims beautifully…and, by the way, leases a horse. Hear a little sarcasm in my voice? For years, I bought into this notion as well and dutifully enrolled my little girl in ballet, piano, church programs, choirs, Girl Scouts, basketball, and more. I used the rationale that “she has to try everything so she can find out what she likes.”  Many children are so overscheduled, their stress levels race sky-high and the entire family comes apart at the seams. Many parents feel guilty because of the number of hours they spend at work. As a result, they overcompensate by … [Read more...]

Who said productivity is easy?

I was teaching a full-day seminar in time management. One of the participants complained several times that "This is so hard!" or "There’s no way I could do that." After a while, it was quite apparent to me and his colleagues that while he wanted to change his behaviors, he had absolutely no faith in his ability to do so. I’ve never been one to tell people that being productive is easy. Sometimes it’s downright hard! However, I do believe that once you have systems in place and have enabled yourself to be productive, it’s much easier in the long run. But any type of change is hard. When learning new techniques, don’t throw your hands up in despair and think, "There’s no way I can do all this!" You can! You might just be stuck in a rut. You get into a certain … [Read more...]

What are you tolerating today?

I just got fed up.  My Treo 600 wasn't connecting to my email server unless it had a really full battery charge.  Which wasn't a problem IF I remembered to plug it in every night.  Until a few days ago, when I forgot, and I was out and about on appointments and couldn't get my messages.  I'd been putting up with this for several weeks, because the battery is internal and can't easily be replaced.  So I just bought the new Treo 700p and am so jazzed!  I can watch tv, view Web sites easily, use my new bluetooth ear piece, and take really great pictures and videos.  Why didn't I do this sooner?  Then I started looking around and wondering what else I've been tolerating that's irritating or otherwise slowing me down.  My printer!  Ugh!  … [Read more...]

Creating a productive environment

What do you surround yourself with to make you feel productive?  I have an "I love me" wall with degrees, certificates, awards, etc., to remind myself that I am living up to a lot of expectations.  I keep a wall calendar to remind me that my job is to keep it full with speaking engagements.  I have photos of my family, husband, and children, to remind me that a lot of people are depending upon me.  I keep my dog and cat running around in my office to remind me to play.  And my newest environmental addition...two Siamese fighting fish (a.k.a. betta fish) fancy filtration systems needed. Just watching them swim around on my desk relaxes me and knowing I get to feed them gives me another good reason to look forward to coming to work.  The glass … [Read more...]

How to be productive on the 3rd of July

I was reading about a survey by Challenger, Gray & Christmas Inc. of 100 human resource executives, which found 56 percent said they would have normal office hours on Monday, citing the global nature of their businesses. Many people took the day off, turning it into a 4-day weekend.  Those that are left in the office wish they weren't.  So how to you get some last-minute pre-holiday productivity?  Roll in giant recycling and trash bins and stage a paper-tossing contest between departments.  Have employees clean out their filing cabinets, and whoever gets rid of the most paper in weight (adjusted to % based on the # of people in the department) gets a pizza party at lunch and leaves early.  Of course, buy everyone pizza and let everyone go early, but you'll at … [Read more...]

Is Socializing a Waste of Time?

I read with a mixture of interest and amusement an article referencing a study done by OfficeTeam/ Robert Half International about whether socializing at work around the water cooler is a waste of time. Predictably, workers said no.  Predictably, managers said yes.  The answer, of course, is YES...and NO.  This is a silly study.  As with any study, it's easy to skew the numbers.  The answers vary, depending upon the context in which it's discussed and your point of reference.  Certainly, socializing can be a waste of time.  Thirty minutes spent chatting about your aunt Sally's surgery could qualify as a non-value producing activity.  However, not all socializing is a waste of … [Read more...]

Get out of town and take a vacation

Have you taken your allotted vacation time this year?  If not, check out  I'm quoted on my advice for a 10-day vacation, but it's easy to miss within the article.  I've always thought one week was too short for a vacation, but two weeks seemed a bit too long, especially if I don't have my children with me.  So I've come to enjoy a compromise at 10 days.  It's long enough where I can relax and forget what day it is but short enough where I don't come back to an overwhelming workload.  If you take these 10 days tagged on to Memorial Day weekend, July 4 weekend, or Labor Day weekend, you end up with 2 full weeks and three weekends, which gives you time at the end of your vacation to get organized and back … [Read more...]