Personal Productivity: Why Greensizing is Productive

We all want to do our part to help the environment. But if you can give the Earth a break and increase your productivity at the same time, that’s a real no-brainer!  Luckily, a lot of the things you can do to help sustain the planet can help sustain your productivity as well.  Read on for tips on how to green-size your life and get more done at the same time. Use less paper.  About 80 percent of papers that are filed are never referenced again.  What a waste! A good solution? File less.  An even better solution?  Produce less paper to begin with.  That doesn’t mean you have to constantly inconvenience yourself or feel guilty about ever sheet that comes off the printer.  It just means you should think twice before you hit “print.” Do you really need a paper copy of that e-mail message or … [Read more...]

Increasing Productivity: I spend waaaaay too much time on…

I Spend Waaaaay Too Much Time on

I asked readers to fill in the blank on our last monthly survey and received some great responses.  There were tons of interesting answers, but it didn’t take long to start seeing some patterns.  Read on for the seven most common responses (and what you can do about them). 1. E-mail.  Let’s face it.  E-mail can be a phenomenal productivity tool, but it will eat your day alive if you let it.  Lots of people complain that their overflowing inbox is beyond their control, but here are three steps you CAN take to start getting a handle on it right away: Do you keep one eye on your inbox all day long?  What does that do to your productivity?  If you drop everything and attend to every e-mail that comes in throughout the day, you are derailing your productivity, over and over again.  Not … [Read more...]

Time Management: Ten Reasons Tasks Never Move off Your To-Do List (and how to fix it)

Ten Reasons Tasks Never Move off Your To-Do List

I recently surveyed my readers on the eternal question of productivity: Why is it that some things on your to-do list never get done?  Some great responses rolled in, ranging from the classic (too many interruptions) to the matter-of-fact (I don’t feel like doing it).  But as diverse as the responses were, it didn’t take long to see certain themes emerge.  Below are the top ten issues at the heart of the problem and some guidance on how to deal with them. 1. You haven’t made the necessary decisions.  Your to-do list should be full of clear, actionable ideas—in other words, things you can actually do.  If you have a vague goal, like “Have a sale,” you’ve still got a lot of thinking to do before you can hit the ground running and make real progress.  Take a minute to figure out exactly … [Read more...]

Performance Improvement: The Productivity Minute #13—Daily routines and morning rituals

Performance Improvement. The Productivity Minute #13: Daily routines and morning rituals What are you rituals and routines? Maybe coffee, socializing, facebook, twitter, email...and then it's lunchtime...and you've accomplished nothing of any significance. Watch this video and learn how to shake up your routine and boost your productivity. (C) 2009 Laura Stack. … [Read more...]

National Leave the Office Earlier Day is June 2! Celebrate with Founder Laura Stack

Pledge to work only eight hours on Tuesday, June 2 (versus your normal 10-14) and receive a FREE 10-day eCourse on “How to Leave the Office Earlier,” and be registered to win valuable productivity prizes from Day-Timer®! June 2nd was designated as National Leave the Office Earlier Day in 2004 by Laura Stack, MBA, CSP, bestselling author and a leading authority on productivity and workplace issues.  The annual event, which is officially listed in Chase’s Calendar of Events, is intended to focus workers on improving their personal productivity and asks them to commit to working no more than eight hours on that day. “The eight-hour workday remains a myth to many working Americans,” says Stack. “But by implementing some simple strategies and tactics, even the most overworked and … [Read more...]

Increasing productivity: 55-1/5 Ways to Boost Productivity Today!

Okay, let’s face it. We’re all trying to do more with less.And chances are that you and your company have already made the big, tough decisions needed to streamline operations. But what about the little things?You can still boost both personal and team productivity in lots of smaller ways that are easy to implement and provide immediate results. Read on for quick tips on getting more done. 1. Hit the ground running. Don’t waste the first hour of the day. As soon as you arrive, focus on getting something done before you even think about checking Facebook or dropping in on a coworker. 2. Decline a meeting. Meetings are necessary. Every meeting is not. Don’t automatically accept every meeting invitation you receive, especially if there is no clear agenda or outcome. 3. Close your e-mail. Do … [Read more...]

Microsoft Outlook virtual training series announced with Laura Stack

Our first virtual Microsoft Outlook webinar series was such a huge success that we're doing it again! The new series begins May 22, 2009 with Microsoft Certified Specialist Laura Stack. I’m going to present 10 modules covering various aspects of Outlook, step-by-step. This isn’t just computer training. It’s real-world, reality-based workflow processing that helps you actually be MORE productive with Outlook, instead of wasting hours every day playing with it. I will share my desktop and show my computer screen LIVE using my actual Microsoft Outlook software. This is not PowerPoint! It is a real-time demonstration. Even you Outlook experts will be shocked by what you don’t know you don’t know! Each webinar is very affordable at $39 per person. If you attend all ten, the price is … [Read more...]

Laura Stack’s books featured on Slideshare

Slideshows featuring three of Laura Stack's published works are featured at and have received hundreds of views.  Get an overview of each of her books with tips from each chapter on how to leave the office earlier, find more time, and beat exhaustion! … [Read more...]

Workplace efficiency: 100 Awesome Cheat Sheets to Learn and Do Everything in Less Time

Forget multitasking: the real skill you need to compete in the business world and in life is efficiency. The ability to pick up new tricks and hacks quickly but effectively is priceless. This list of 100 awesome cheat sheets can help you to learn and do everything in less time, from working on your blog or designing a web page to losing weight and growing your own herb garden. … [Read more...]

Connecting with People: Relationships are Productive!

One of the trickiest parts of leadership is finding a way to strike a balance between your employees as subordinates and your employees as real, live people. Managing relationships with the people you work with (and for) is as important to your everyday productivity as it is to your career. (C) 2009 Laura Stack. Listen Now: Powered by … [Read more...]