The Productivity Minute #4 by Laura Stack – Graciously Refusing Requests from Coworkers Part II

Laura continues her tactful advice on how to handle coworkers who drop in with requests that you must refuse---and how to say NO without actually saying the word. The Productivity Minute video podcast By Laura Stack, (C) 2009 Laura Stack. … [Read more...]

Public seminars in Denver Colorado with Laura Stack: Feb, Mar, and Apr dates

Announcing a series of special public (open enrollment) seminars presented by Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro, in Denver, Colorado!  Hold the date and make your plans now to fly out and attend one of these innovative, productivity-boosting sessions: February 24, 2009: Social Media and Technology: Tips & Techniques for Increasing Efficiency & Productivity (half day) March 18, 2009: Microsoft Outlook Tips and Tricks for Skyrocketing Your Productivity (2003 and 2007 versions) half day April 24, 2009: Become a Productivity Pro! Mastering Personal Productivity (fully … [Read more...]

Break Out of the Comfort Zone – guest post by Karen Leland

Welcome to guest blogger Karen Leland, who interviewed me for an article for Woman's Day and who authored Time Management In An Instant: 60 Ways to Make the Most of Your Day. Breaking Out of the Comfort Zone In my office, on my desk, I have a plain white coffee cup that has written on it in simple black letters, “’Do one thing every day that scares you’—Eleanor Roosevelt.” As I stare down the barrel of another year filled with hope, possibilities, challenges, and change, I think about what living the cup’s motto really means in practice. ? It’s all too easy to stay in the same routine year after year, doing the same things, thinking the same thoughts, eating the same foods, doing the same job and engaging in the same hobbies. Relatively nothing new learned or risked. No standing on the … [Read more...]

The Productivity Minute #3 by Laura Stack – Graciously Refusing Requests from Coworkers Part I

The Productivity Minute, Episode 3.  How do you say NO without saying NO?  Laura Stack explains how to tactfully decline requests by coworkers in this episode. (C) 2009 Laura Stack.  All rights reserved. … [Read more...]

Go on a Low-Information Diet and Improve Your Efficiency!

Pretty much anybody you ask will tell you they’re pressed for time. There just aren’t enough hours to get it all done, yadda yadda yadda.  So we prioritize, streamline, and simplify.  You can improve your efficiency until you’re blue in the face, not to mention very tightly wound, but you still aren’t addressing one of the biggest time and energy wasters in your day: incoming information.  As my 13-year-old daughter, Meagan, would text on her phone: “TMI” (translation: Too Much Information). If the 21st century has brought us anything, it is WAY too much information. You can watch several channels full of cable news 24 hours a day. You can surf the internet on any topic until you can’t see straight. Most people could heat their home with the amount of junk mail they receive on a continuous … [Read more...]

Social Media: What, why, and how to be productive – Podcast

Like it or not, social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are here to stay – and it isn’t just kid stuff anymore.  In fact, businesses and individuals worldwide keep finding interesting ways to use social networks and other interactive online media to do some pretty amazing things – from building their brands to getting to know their customers. How do you keep it from sabotaging your productivity? Powered by … [Read more...]

NEW Productivity Pro audio podcast! The Importance of Productivity During Down Times

Like it or not, social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are here to stay – and it isn’t just kid stuff anymore.  In fact, businesses and individuals worldwide keep finding interesting ways to use social networks and other interactive online media to do some pretty amazing things – from building their brands to getting to know their customers. How do you keep it from sabotaging your productivity? Powered by … [Read more...]

The Productivity Minute #2 by Laura Stack – Planning Your Day

Laura Stack discusses how planning has changed over the year and why old planning techniques don't work.  However, you still must plan to have a productive day, so tune in for her advice. … [Read more...]

The Productivity Minute #1 by Laura Stack – Your first to-do of the day

The Productivity Minute #1 by Laura Stack … [Read more...]

Watch Laura Stack sell The Productivity Pro Day-Timer on QVC

My QVC segment aired live on 1/8/08 at approximately 8:20 EST. … [Read more...]