"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." -- Traditional saying. "The better a man is, the more mistakes he will make, for the more new things he will try. I would never promote to a top-level job a man who was not making mistakes... otherwise he is sure to be mediocre." -- Peter Drucker, Austrian management consultant and social ecologist. "Remember, you only have to succeed the last time." -- Brian Tracy, Canadian self-help guru. In the modern business world, failure is often made out to be something glorious, a virtue that almost inevitably leads to success in the long run. Oft-cited examples include Edison's 1,000+ unsuccessful attempts to invent the light bulb before hitting on the right solution, and Bill Gates' unsuccessful first computer business. We're told, again and … [Read more...]
Assertiveness and Direct Communication: Your Wording is a Critical Productivity Tool

One of the factors that sets human beings apart from the rest of Creation—that has, in fact, helped make us the dominant species on this planet—is our ability to communicate in great detail, with a minimum of confusion and unproductive "noise." That said, it's amazing how easy it is to fail to communicate properly. The annals of history are replete with episodes of poor communication (or a complete lack thereof) that led to widespread misery and pain. On a lesser scale, individuals and businesses have to deal with miscommunication issues every single day; and in the workplace, such issues can have a severe impact not just on individual productivity, but on the overall bottom line. Even when the lines of communication are wide open, you can fail to communicate if you use the wrong words … [Read more...]
Organizational Skills: How to Process Email and Deal With Information Overload

I was reading an article in Information Week appropriately titled, “Eaten by the Email Monster.” http://www.informationweek.com/blog/main/archives/2006/08/eaten_by_the_em.html It links to several useful articles on how to handle information overload. I thought I’d add my thoughts on how to efficiently process email: the 6-D Information Management System™: 1. DISCARD = Delete it 2. DELEGATE = Forward it 3. DO = Reply immediately if it will take you three minutes or less 4. DATE = Needs work but not now. The key is to somehow get it out of your in-box. Pick one favorite method and try to be consistent, so you don’t confuse your brain about what you did with that email. Options: * Move to a process folder called “Action” or something similar. * … [Read more...]
Time Management Skills: Email Tips
Clarity in workplace communication is highly important in any format, and these days, more and more business is conducted through email. Therefore, it's beneficial to learn how to maximize the content of your email messages, while minimizing the possibility of confusion. You should start with an informative, keyword-rich subject line that grabs the reader's attention. Don't leave the subject line blank, and don't be vague or non-specific; on the other hand, don't overuse exclamation points or capital letters. Either might lead an inattentive recipient to think your email is spam, resulting in it getting deleted—something that might range in consequence from minor to disastrous. If you're replying to an existing email, don't change the subject line unless you must. Otherwise, the recipient … [Read more...]
Increasing Productivity: HR’s Strategic Role in Improving Workforce Productivity
Please join me on August 31 for a special audio conference through the Workplace Training Center. The topic is HR’s Strategic Role in Improving Workforce Productivity: Working with Your Managers to Create High-Performing Employees Employees are expected to be competent. But the really successful employees are SUPER competent—the ones that companies fight to get, fight to keep, nurture and develop, and see as future leaders in their business growth. How do you know who the “A” players are? HR professionals are in a unique position to work with managers to identify productive employees and help them become even greater performers. Using a model that assesses engagement and performance of each employee, HR professionals can work with managers on improving individual employee … [Read more...]
Burning the Daylight Oil

"The early bird gets the worm." -- Traditional Western proverb. "By getting up early in the morning, one also gets more time at his disposal for work as compared to late-risers. Scholar and thinkers get up early in the morning and contemplate." -- Rig Veda, Hindu sacred verses. You've got to admire those night owls—the co-workers who stay well past quitting time to get their work done, displaying an impressive level of productivity in the process. But if you don't fit that mold, there's no reason to let them hog all the glory. You can hit the ground running as the sun comes up, and get a head start by burning the daylight equivalent of their midnight oil. Your goal here is to get into the office before your co-workers do, so you'll have that quiet, pristine time all to yourself before … [Read more...]
Four Things to Stop Doing at Work
"Ill habits gather by unseen degrees/As brooks make rivers, rivers run to seas." -- John Dryden, English poet (Absalom and Achitophel, 1681) Have you updated your NOT-to-do list lately? Most of us are pretty good about compiling daily to-do lists to guide our workflow, and there's no denying that those lists are vital for maximizing productivity. However, in many ways, a list of things you refuse to do is just as important. A not-to-do list doesn't have to be fancy. You simply start by writing down the time-stealing behaviors that you prefer not to take part in; then you review and revise your list periodically, to make sure you don't accidentally slip into habits that damage your productivity and keep you at work too long. Obviously, not-to-do lists will vary from person to person, … [Read more...]
Tracking Down People For Follow-Ups, Answers, Reminders: Creating An Effective Babysitting System

Modern business protocols often require high levels of teamwork in order to achieve the company's goals. More than ever, workers interact like cogs in a machine, and most of us have to mesh with lots of other cogs in order to get our work done. Fair enough, assuming everything runs smoothly. But as we all know, human beings don't always work together with mechanical efficiency. Occasionally, things get caught up in the metaphorical gears, causing work to slow—or even stop. This might happen, for instance, if someone doesn't get a piece of information to you when you need it. Similarly, if a supplier can't provide a certain part or computer program, you may be stuck waiting. And if a project needs approval to proceed, and you don't have it, then find yourself at someone else's mercy. If … [Read more...]
Time Management at Work: Mobile Technology for HR Professionals
So many of my readers are HR professionals, so I like to keep an eye out for technologies and tips on how to improve productivity in that area. Moblie technologies for specific industries are exploding on the market today, and HR apps can be very useful for busy professionals. As the HR Analyst at Software Advice, Kyle Lagunas regularly writes HR software reviews on his blog. Recently, he highlighted a few of his favorite mobile apps for HR professionals so I wanted to share his article with you. Please let me know if you've tried any of these apps and let me know what you think! Human Resources Goes Mobile: Highlighting Top HR Apps … [Read more...]
What Does Office Clutter Cost You?
According to a recent CareerBuilder study, clutter could be costing you quite a bit! More than a quarter of employers said they are less likely to promote someone who has a messy work space. A large percentage of employers also feel that having paper piles on desks gives them a more negative impression of those workers. Surpisingly, a third of workers admit to having hoarding tendencies with 13% saying they have files which are more than five years old. If you're facing challenges with office clutter, we've got help for you! Spend an hour with me on my pre-recorded webinar "Organize Your Office and Your Life: Survive Information Overload and Clear the Clutter." You'll learn expert tips on keeping the clutter at bay so that you have more time to tackle that to-do list! … [Read more...]