I like to get drunk every now and then. Well, sorry, I'm just a human being. Besides, I'm from Poland, and that's kinda what we do here. However, this post is not about how cool this drunk state of mind is... on the contrary, most of the time it isn't. For many people alcohol is a shortcut to having good fun in whatever situation. A small dosage of alcohol (like a shot or two) is proven to improve our eloquence and self-confidence. So long story short, most people drink at parties just to have batter fun. Only to find themselves tricked the next morning when they wake up with a giant headache. That's what alcohol does. It tricks you by promising quick benefits (instant fun), but you'll have to pay the price next morning when you realize that you, my friend, feel like a wreck of a … [Read more...]
Workplace Productivity Ruts
Determined to jump out of a workplace productivity rut? Don't forget to reconnect with your Muse. Now, the hardnosed businessperson in you might view such a statement with a bit of suspicion. What, you may ask, does "a Muse" have to do with revitalizing your productivity at work? Well...everything, really. Your Muse represents, collectively, all those things that drive your creativity. While you can be productive for a while without any real inspiration, the lack can eventually wear you down into a rut where you're content to maintain no better than minimum standards. Work becomes boring and pointless...and there goes your productivity. When you feel the walls closing in, stop and think about why you work in the first place. Ultimately, what do you intend to achieve? Go back and review … [Read more...]
The 12 Dysfunctional Personal Productivity Personalities
Everyone has a productivity personality. It’s the collection of strengths, weaknesses, and day-to-day habits that come together to determine how a person works best. I’ve written often about how important it is to get a handle on your own personal productivity personality, but it’s important that you don’t stop there. After all, most of us depend on others at some point in our day and the individual work styles and attitudes of those around us can have a huge impact on our own ability to get things done. That’s why I put together a list of the 12 dysfunctional personal productivity personalities. Hopefully this list will help you smile (rather than cringe) the next time a coworker’s bad habits start to drive you up the wall. I’ve also included some thoughts on how to deal with each … [Read more...]
Take the Stairs: The path to true success

I’d like to introduce you to Rory Vaden, who has been a friend of mine for many years. He has a novel area of study---he is the world’s only Self-Discipline Strategist. His first book, Take the Stairs, just released this week, reached the #1 ranking in all categories on Amazon.com as well as Barnes & Noble, and just yesterday, he’s #1 on the USA Today list and #2 on the famed NY Times list. Rory sent me a review copy of his book, which I really enjoyed, as we somewhat play in the same sandbox (my book Leave the Office Earlier, had an entire chapter called “Discipline”). I recently connected with him to expand on some of the most interesting concepts presented in the book. Laura: What do you think is the biggest challenge facing business today? Rory: Procrastination is the most … [Read more...]
Overwork and Personal Productivity: the Reality
"Taking enough time to renew our strengths and resources is necessary to preserve and enhance the greatest asset we have, ourselves." -- Timi Gustafson, American health writer and dietitian. "We often hear of people breaking down from overwork, but in nine out of ten times they are really suffering from worry or anxiety." -- Sir John Lubbock (1834-1913), British polymath and Member of Parliament. "Make a distinction between work and leisure; don't skip your holidays; take care of your health and well-being..." -- Dr. Marianna Virtanen, lead author of "Long Working Hours and Cognitive Function: The Whitehall II Study." Say what you will about the slacker generation, most Americans don't hesitate when it comes to hard work. A willingness to jump in and get the job done has been an … [Read more...]
How to Leave Work Early and Enjoy Your Valentine’s Day
A few tips from expert Laura Stack to help you enjoy more time with your loved ones on Valentine's Day. Hectic work schedules have probably ruined more Valentine Day celebrations than we care to think about. It is easy to schedule business dinners for February 14th without a second thought…until the day before…when it finally hits us. More so than expensive jewelry or chocolates, many people are satisfied with having the undivided attention of a loved one for the evening. Laura Stack, Productivity Expert and author of Leave the Office Earlier, has these tips to help you create an unforgettable Valentine’s Day: Plan before you leave work. Double-check your planner and organize activities for the next day before you leave the office on Valentine’s Day. Getting tomorrow’s tasks out of … [Read more...]
Collaboration: Increasing Your Workplace Productivity Through Others
"The in-box culture is dead." -- Evan Rosen, author of The Culture of Collaboration: Maximizing Time, Talent and Tools to Create Value in the Global Economy "In the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed." -- Charles Darwin, British biologist "Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean." Ryunosuke Satoro, Japanese poet. The term "collaboration" has a number of interrelated meanings in the working world. In one sense, it refers to broad community efforts designed to make work-life easier and more productive for everyone. In another, it applies to delegation: the practice of handing off part of the workload to others who can do it more easily or cheaply. The idea can extend to other … [Read more...]
The Productivity Academy returns to Denver March 15

What do you do when there’s TOO MUCH TO DO? You mark your calendar and come to THE PRODUCTIVITY ACADEMY with Laura Stack! Due to popular demand, we are once again presenting The Productivity Academy on March 15 at the Marriott Denver South at Park Meadows in the Denver area. Past participants have said: You just have NO idea. Really. New planner. New plan. New tools. New knowledge. New mindset. New energy. New enthusiasm. New HOPE!! and I have benefited hugely from the tasking tools in Microsoft Outlook, particularly saving emails to tasks - as well as your 3-minute rule. My inbox is emptied every time I check my email! I am also using standing tickler files at work and home, which has helped me corral all that incoming paperwork! Finally, I am aware of what times of the day I … [Read more...]
Delegation and Workplace Productivity in the Global Village

Modern job descriptions, especially those at the managerial level, often specify more responsibilities than anyone can accomplish within an ordinary workweek. This may seem ludicrous at first blush, but it reflects the reality of the business world as it exists today. No one really expects upper-level managers to directly handle all their responsibilities; nor could they. Trying to do so would wreck their lives inside of a week. It’s called "management" for a reason. True achievers know to parcel out most of the items on their plate to subordinates or even to people outside of their organization, before focusing on the few things they do best that profit the company the most and produce the highest value for the time worked. In other words, leaders delegate like crazy to those who can … [Read more...]
Time Management Skills: Group Productivity Issues

Time management training tends to focus on individual workplace productivity; and while that's all well and good, most of us actually work within team environments. It's not a good idea, therefore, to just ignore the productivity issues affecting your coworkers. Your team workflow process can't function smoothly if the individual parts are broken. Raising awareness of group productivity issues requires little more than circulating an informal survey among your teammates, and then distributing the results. Simply ask something like, "What are your X biggest time management challenges?" You can make "X" any number you like, depending on how much time and resources you have to dedicate to the issue. Needless to say, your team's manager bears the ultimate responsibility for maintaining an … [Read more...]