An Automatic Time Tracker for Professionals

Looking for a better way to keep track of your time, log hours for various clients, or see where time is being wasted? You'll want to check out Chrometa's Automatic Time Tracker. Chrometa automatically records the time while you work — both on and off the PC. You'll discover previously undocumented billable time, save time on billing reconciliation, and improve personal productivity. Once your time is automatically captured, you can categorize your time quickly and easily by client or project. Use smart alerts to remind you to log time away from the PC such as meetings or phone calls. And easily export the data into Microsoft Excel. If you're serious about boosting your personal productivity, and getting paid for every second you work, Chrometa is THE ideal time management … [Read more...]

Workplace Productivity: Tips for Maximum Enjoyment as an Administrative Assistant

1. Don’t take personalities personally. I have heard many stories from admins whose boss was a grouchy type of person, who say to me, “Oh, he doesn’t like me. We just don’t get along.” When the boss gets a promotion she thought, “I’m going to be left behind.” He said, “Are you kidding? I can’t do anything without you.” Do not think that just because someone is in a bad mood that it reflects on you, or if someone has a crotchety personality that s/he doesn’t like you. Always be your capable, competent, positive self. 2. Change your focus. Focus on the 175 things that you did right today, not the one thing that you did wrong. So many people get upset when they make a little mistake. They made a typo in a letter or sent an email to the wrong person or copied someone they shouldn’t have. … [Read more...]

Business Productivity: Technology In the Workplace 2010 Study

Intercall recently published the 2010 study on Technology In the Workplace. The findings of the study make it clear that today's workers are feeling the pinch of tough economic times and increased pressure to do more with less and stay connected to the office even in off hours. Almost half of American workers who use technology at work believe that in this economy they must produce more even though they have fewer resources. Twenty-five percent of American workers feel their job security "is partially dependent on their supervisor seeing they are connected to work even after hours." Even with the increased workloads, Americans do see technology as a key part of productivity in the workplace. Job satisfaction increases when companies provide technology tools to help workers do more in … [Read more...]

Workplace Productivity: Your First To-Do of the Day

What’s the first thing you do when you begin your day? What do you literally do when you sit down to begin working? Many people do the “beverage ritual.” They get all their beverages just right and their snacks all lined up and settled. Maybe they do a little bit of checking on blog postings to see what's come in and of course visit Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Next they check e-mail and get sucked into that vortex for a couple of hours. Now what time is it? Lunchtime! How do you feel after lunch? Probably pretty low energy. What do you feel like working on? Nothing. At least nothing that requires a very high level of energy and focus. I would suggest instead that you think very carefully about the leading activity of your day, because it's going to set you up for success or … [Read more...]

Business Productivity: Weekly Series on Denver’s Channel 7

Laura Stack is now presenting a weekly series, The Productivity Minute, on Denver's Channel 7 News. Each week she'll share great tips and tricks on how to be more productive at work and at home. View her introduction to the series: Special thanks to The Denver Channel for inviting us to be a part of their show. Be sure to tune in for future episodes! … [Read more...]

Business Efficiency: Audio Podcast: Resolve to Stop the Meeting Madness!

Around this time of year, everyone begins thinking about making resolutions and getting organized for greater productivity in the New Year. If I could pick a single goal for everyone, it would be revamping those time-sucking meetings! (C) 2010 Laura Stack, Powered by … [Read more...]

Business Efficiency: The Productivity Minute Video 28: The Disorganized Road Warrior

How do you stay productive and organized on the road? (c) 2010 Laura Stack … [Read more...]

YOU Can Be a Productivity Pro® Video Series

Are you working 60-80 hours a week? Would you like to learn how to be more productive at work, so you can achieve the same results in less time and Leave the Office Earlier®? This 20 part seminar is Laura's productivity class that combines key concepts from multiple seminar listings into a comprehensive program. The You Can Be a Productivity Pro® video series covers: * Planning * Prioritization * Scheduling * Multi-tasking * Concentration * Discipline * Organization * Time management systems Topics cover all aspects of your personal productivity—from the start of your day until the end—to help you get Maximum Results in Minimum Time®. Professionals, managers, and administrative staff will gain scores of new ideas from The Productivity Pro® on increasing output without increasing effort … [Read more...]

Audio Podcast: The 12 Dysfunctional Personal Productivity Personalities

Everyone has a productivity personality. It’s the collection of strengths, weaknesses, and day-to-day habits that come together to determine how a person works best. (C) Copyright 2010 Laura Stack. All rights reserved. Powered by … [Read more...]

Business Efficiency: The Productivity Minute #25: Do You Really Need to Answer That?

Is being tied to technology controlling your time? Do you have to answer every cell phone call right away? Laura Stack talks about the interruptions that technology use brings and how to not be controlled by them. (C) 2010 Laura Stack … [Read more...]