Intercall recently published the 2010 study on Technology In the Workplace. The findings of the study make it clear that today’s workers are feeling the pinch of tough economic times and increased pressure to do more with less and stay connected to the office even in off hours.
Almost half of American workers who use technology at work believe that in this economy they must produce more even though they have fewer resources. Twenty-five percent of American workers feel their job security “is partially dependent on their supervisor seeing they are connected to work even after hours.”
Even with the increased workloads, Americans do see technology as a key part of productivity in the workplace. Job satisfaction increases when companies provide technology tools to help workers do more in less time and most workers believe technology does help them be more productive on the job.
Find more on the 2010 Technology In the Workplace study here.
The details about video, audio,or web conferencing really caught my eye. As I read the reasons people use it, I said, “That’s ME!” My additional comments would be that I would use it when there’s an international group to gather together. I recently attended a web conference where over 1,000 people were logged in. Can you imagine making everyone travel to that???