![Outgrowing the Old: The Necessity of Change Management by Laura Stack #productivity](https://theproductivitypro.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/How-NOT-to-Decide-What-to-Do-Next-214x300.jpg)
"He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery." -- Harold Wilson, British politician. Successful businesses have always adapted readily to change, but at no time in living memory—and likely at no point in history—has adaptability been a more desirable business trait than it is today. Given our recent economic difficulties, in combination with accelerating technological sophistication, change occurs almost daily—whether we want it to or not. The greatest obstacle to necessary change is a reluctance to modify or abandon procedures that have become familiar and comforting. But a flexible, agile organization has no choice but to change in the face of reality. As German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once pointed out, … [Read more...]