Too Much of a Good Thing: Can Teamwork Damage Productivity?

Too Much of a Good Thing: Can Teamwork Damage Productivity? by Laura Stack

Back in the 1890s, French researcher Max Ringelmann discovered what others later called the Ringelmann effect[1]: The larger a workgroup, the more likely workers will waste time rather than get their work done. Not only do they socialize more, they also expect others to pick up the slack. This remains true today: small workgroups tend to produce more per person than larger ones. Many entrepreneurs have taken this to heart, including Jeff Bezos of According to his "Two-Pizza Rule", a team or meeting should contain no more people than it would take to feed with two large pizzas. Bezos sets the number at 5-8. Why so few? Partially because the more channels of communication involved, the greater the likelihood for confusion. To answer the title question, clearly there are … [Read more...]

Avoiding Groupthink to Maintain Creativity and Innovation

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Team Productivity and Digital Detox

Digital Detox

I love technology—up to a point. There's no doubt electronic technology in particular has boosted our productivity to remarkable levels. But at the same time, electronics appeal so much to some of us that we waste time doing things we shouldn't at work. I've known Internet addicts who couldn't go an hour without checking their favorite websites, and there are legions of workers who babysit their inboxes all day long. If technology has slowed you down, why not try a “digital detox” to get you and your team back on track? You don't have to get rid of anything, just discipline yourself to use your tools as your inventors intended. Talk about ideas in your next staff meeting and see how you could support one another. For example: 1. Leave personal calls for the evening. There used to be … [Read more...]

Building Consensus for Decisions

(C) 2015 Laura Stack. All Rights Reserved. … [Read more...]

Making Things Happen: Why Initiative Matters

Making Things Happen: Why Initiative Matters by Laura Stack

At least monthly, an audience member will come up to me after a presentation and say something to the effect of, “I love your ideas but hesitate to try anything new, because I’ll irritate my boss or coworkers.” Despite all the research and words we've expended pointing out that engaged team members are more productive, some leaders still enforce the old my-way-or-the-highway attitude. They don't see (or don't care) that unhappy, bored people have low productivity, so they just push them harder, further damaging their performance. Many employees want to help improve processes for the better, but often others aren’t willing to try anything new.   Even some leaders who know there's a better way often hesitate to make changes, because their own leaders remain stuck in the past. But … [Read more...]

Creating a Culture of Accountability

Today, Laura shares thoughts on encouraging accountability in your organization. (C) 2015 Laura Stack. All Rights Reserved. … [Read more...]

Beyond the Grind: Helping Your People Love Their Jobs

We've all heard about the fun perks that progressive employers like Google and Yahoo! offered their employees until recently—great social activities, play areas, telecommuting options, free bikes to ride around campus, and the opportunity to spend a fair portion of their work time on projects of their own choosing. This has begun to change as more traditional-minded CEOs come on board, to the apparent chagrin of many. There are other ways to make people look forward to coming to work, without risking that complacency can take hold. Loving a job in a productive way has a lot to do with ownership. Engaged workers own their jobs. They're willing to give their discretionary time to their work. This can only happen when people are proud of where they work, whom they work for, and what they … [Read more...]

Fostering an Effective Collaborative Team Culture

Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro, shares ideas on encouraging a great team culture. (C) 2015 Laura Stack. All Rights Reserved. … [Read more...]

Mindlessness: Why Don’t We Pay Attention?

Mindlessness: Why Don't We Pay Attention? by Laura Stack #productivity

Recently, my son James had a doctor's appointment. While waiting in the back room, he texted on his phone and watched videos. But as soon as the doctor walked in, he handed me his phone. Even at 13, he knew he couldn't pay attention to the doctor and have his phone in his hand. Why can’t some adults learn this? Last week, I had a meeting in downtown Denver, because a prospective client had requested an in-person conversation. During our conversation, he kept pulling out his phone, turning it on, swiping, and glancing down, clicking on his email, periodically tapping one and reading. He must have checked it 10 times while I was there—no explanation, no apology. Seriously, couldn't he have waited 30 minutes to check the phone? Instead of 30 minutes, our meeting was extended to 45 minutes, … [Read more...]

Slipping the Electronic Leash

Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro, talks about how our devices can hamper our productivity. (C) 2015 Laura Stack. All Rights Reserved. … [Read more...]