Learn to say "no" graciously, and make it stick! (C) 2016 Laura Stack, All Rights Reserved. www.TheProductivityPro.com Watch Now: … [Read more...]
Toward Greater Decentralization: Results from the 2015 American Time Use Survey

"38 percent of workers in management, business, and financial operations occupations, and 35 percent of those employed in professional and related occupations, did some or all of their work from home on days they worked."—2015 American Time Use Survey, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Recently, I've written quite a bit about the trend toward workplace decentralization, which I expect to accelerate in the future. Interestingly, that's also the trend most publicized by the authors of the 2015 American Time Use Survey in their June 2016 press release. In 2015, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics interviewed 10,900 Americans from all walks of life for the American Time Use Survey. ( … [Read more...]
Create a Process to Simplify the Task

Productivity expert Laura Stack shares ways to simplify tasks. (C) 2016 Laura Stack, All Rights Reserved. www.TheProductivityPro.com … [Read more...]
Complete The Task In Less Time

Laura Stack talks about getting things done more efficiently. (C) 2016 Laura Stack, All Rights Reserved. www.TheProductivityPro.com … [Read more...]
Can Money Buy Time?

Can Money Buy Time? Absolutely! (C) 2016 Laura Stack, All Rights Reserved. www.TheProductivityPro.com … [Read more...]
Time = Money²—3 Leadership Tips for Stretching Your Most Valuable Resource

How much do you value your time? Maybe you've never seriously considered the implications of that question. To lead effectively, however, you have no choice but to address time-wasters and why they matter. You're important to your organization; otherwise, you wouldn't hold the position you do. Therefore, your time must also matter a great deal. Don't assume your value is equivalent to your salary; the amount of money you earn is likely to be a lot less than the true worth you bring to the table. That's one reason your leaders value you. To do the best job possible, value your time both realistically and highly. Depending on your leadership position, your value to the organization may be thousands of dollars per hour. Once you've pinned down the value of your time, use these tips as … [Read more...]
Emphasizing Life in Your Work/Life Balance

"It's just like a magic penny, hold it tight and you won't have any/Lend it, spend it, and you'd have so many/They'll roll all over the floor!" —"Love Is Something If You Give It Away," a classic children's song. The whole point of being more productive is not stuffing even more work into your extra time. American workers have already achieved their most productive levels in history, thanks to the Industrial and Electronic revolutions. One of the core values that drives me, both at work and #OutsideWork, is the belief that the best way to show your love is with your time—both to others and yourself. What does it profit you to earn a million dollars, if you destroy your health and your family in the process? There really are some things money can't buy, though you do pay for … [Read more...]
Bridging the Workflow #SkillsGap

"The sculptor produces the beautiful statue by chipping away such parts of the marble block as are not needed – it is a process of elimination." —Elbert Hubbard, American writer and philosopher. The #SkillsGap I see most often in my practice as a productivity expert is managing workflow. Too many people lack a decent time management and organizational system, and it seems we all have too many inboxes. Both represent huge timewasters that shoot holes in our productivity, forcing us to work longer days just to catch up. Once upon a time, the average worker had only a few inboxes (using the term loosely) demanding his or her attention: the paper one on their desk at work, a paper to-do list at work and home, and a mailbox at home. Nowadays, the two-edged sword of technology has created … [Read more...]
Impromptu Meetings: Cutting Down on Drop-Ins and Got-a-Minutes

"I wonder if you've got a minute." "I have many minutes, all of them used toward a common purpose." – Jodi Picoult, American novelist; quoted in Plain Truth. Here is the roundup of activity from Laura Stack’s blog, columns, podcast, and other featured articles. Scroll down to read the complete roundup of productivity resources to help you create Maximum Results in Minimum Time. This week on the Blog Impromptu Meetings: Cutting Down on Drop-Ins and Got-a-Minutes There's a statistic going around the business world that claims that something interrupts or distracts the average office worker every three minutes. Many people find their time nibbled away by otherwise well-meaning co-workers, who drop in unannounced at our cubicles or stop us in the hall to ask, "Got a … [Read more...]
Time and Again: the 2014 American Time Use Survey

Every June, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics releases the results of the American Time Use Survey for the year before. A regular publication since 2003, ATUS provides a fascinating glimpse into the habits of everyday Americans age 15 and older, from how much they sleep and watch TV to how many hours they work daily. In 2014, the BLS gathered survey data from interviews with 11,600 individuals all across the United States, in all walks of life. It turns out we Americans work harder than many people suppose, though a casual glance might suggest otherwise. Keep in mind, however, that the Survey sample included high school kids, the retired, the unemployed, the disabled, and those who hold part-time jobs as well as those who work full time. Some averages also include weekends, holidays, … [Read more...]