Performance Improvement: How to Empower Your Employees…and Yourself

How to Empower Your Employees…and Yourself

In the high-octane world of modern business, you hear a lot of theories about what it takes to increase employee productivity. Empowerment is one of the philosophies discussed most often, especially as it relates to the corporate team environment. The idea is simple enough: by implementing practices that help employees feel confident, capable, and in control of the outcome of their work, they feel empowered to do that work effectively and without excessive oversight or micromanagement. Ideally, this ensures commitment to the company's core mission and vision, which results in greater productivity over the long term. That's the theory, anyway. But as any scientist will tell you, all that really matters is how well a theory stands up to testing. If it's a dud, a few experimental runs out … [Read more...]

Performance Improvement: Daily Routines and Morning Rituals

How would you describe your morning routine? Perhaps you get to work, fetch your coffee, line up your snacks, figure out what you didn’t do yesterday, catch up with your coworkers, post your social media updates, and check your email. Now what time is it? Lunchtime! And your energy is fading fast. So perhaps you got Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter updated, your favorite blogs read, and your email done…but you kept adding to your to-do list…and you didn’t accomplish much of anything significant. I’m issuing a productivity challenge for tomorrow: I dare you to break your typical routine. If you usually come in the morning and get a cup of coffee, I would challenge you to bring your coffee. If you usually open up your Outlook and check your messages, I would ask you not to do email first. … [Read more...]

Time Management: The Productivity Minute #24 – Procrastination

Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro(R) talks about the productivity killer - procrastination! (C) 2010 Laura Stack. All rights reserved. … [Read more...]

Workplace Productivity: SUPERCOMPETENT KEY # 1: ACTIVITY


SUPERCOMPETENT KEY #1: ACTIVITY. Activity demonstrates value and reflects importance. In this competitive economy, just being able to do your job is no longer enough. Competence is simply expected in today's workplaces. But you can't be simplycompetent; you have to be SuperCompetent(TM) to get an edge. Laura Stack's new book, SuperCompetent: the Six Keys to Perform at Your Productive Best (Wiley 2010), gives high potentials proven methods to reach peak performance and achieve breakthrough results. You'll discover the six keys to unlocking your full potential: Activity, Availability, Attention, Accessibility, Accountability, and Attitude. The Productivity Pro®, Laura Stack, gives you a clear and practical system for achieving Maximum Results in Minimum Time®. By contrasting … [Read more...]

Time Management: The Productivity Minute Video #23 Do NOT Make New Year’s Resolutions

Are New Years Resolutions really productive? Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro(R), talks about how resolutions and how to really make positive changes for the New Year. (C) 2009 Laura Stack. All rights reserved. … [Read more...]

Personal Productivity: Why Greensizing is Productive

We all want to do our part to help the environment. But if you can give the Earth a break and increase your productivity at the same time, that’s a real no-brainer!  Luckily, a lot of the things you can do to help sustain the planet can help sustain your productivity as well.  Read on for tips on how to green-size your life and get more done at the same time. Use less paper.  About 80 percent of papers that are filed are never referenced again.  What a waste! A good solution? File less.  An even better solution?  Produce less paper to begin with.  That doesn’t mean you have to constantly inconvenience yourself or feel guilty about ever sheet that comes off the printer.  It just means you should think twice before you hit “print.” Do you really need a paper copy of that e-mail message or … [Read more...]

Time Management: Ten Reasons Tasks Never Move off Your To-Do List (and how to fix it)

Ten Reasons Tasks Never Move off Your To-Do List

I recently surveyed my readers on the eternal question of productivity: Why is it that some things on your to-do list never get done?  Some great responses rolled in, ranging from the classic (too many interruptions) to the matter-of-fact (I don’t feel like doing it).  But as diverse as the responses were, it didn’t take long to see certain themes emerge.  Below are the top ten issues at the heart of the problem and some guidance on how to deal with them. 1. You haven’t made the necessary decisions.  Your to-do list should be full of clear, actionable ideas—in other words, things you can actually do.  If you have a vague goal, like “Have a sale,” you’ve still got a lot of thinking to do before you can hit the ground running and make real progress.  Take a minute to figure out exactly … [Read more...]

The Productivity Minute #11: How to be Unproductive

If you were actually trying to be unproductive, what would you do? If someone were watching with a video camera from your ceiling, what behaviors would you change. Laura Stack dishes about participants in her time management seminars telling their secrets of how they waste time. And how their images of an unproductive day often resemble their actual days! (C) 2009 Laura Stack. … [Read more...]

Connecting with People: Relationships are Productive!

One of the trickiest parts of leadership is finding a way to strike a balance between your employees as subordinates and your employees as real, live people. Managing relationships with the people you work with (and for) is as important to your everyday productivity as it is to your career. (C) 2009 Laura Stack. Listen Now: Powered by … [Read more...]

The Productivity Minute #10: The Bane of Sticky Notes and Scraps of Paper

Watch this episode and learn why you have sticky notes all over your office.  Figure out what sticky notes are good for and not good for.  What do you do when you think of something you need to do? (C) 2009 Laura Stack. All rights reserved. … [Read more...]