Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro(R) talks about the productivity killer - procrastination! (C) 2010 Laura Stack. All rights reserved. … [Read more...]
Time Management: The Productivity Minute Video #23 Do NOT Make New Year’s Resolutions
Are New Years Resolutions really productive? Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro(R), talks about how resolutions and how to really make positive changes for the New Year. (C) 2009 Laura Stack. All rights reserved. … [Read more...]
Workplace Productivity: Tips for Wonderful Webinars
You’ve decided to conduct a webinar for your association member, corporate employees, or your team members spread around the country. How do you ensure the Webinar goes off without a hitch? Here are the top ten tips on how to have a successful webinar: 1. Select the best format for your objectives. Each of these popular formats has pros and cons: • Single speaker who presents and administers the webinar—easy to coordinate but can be less interactive if participants are hesitant to ask questions. • Interview style with a moderator—more interesting than just one voice but harder to coordinate the discussion. • Facilitated conversation with multiple panelists—more people to train and the potential for panelists to talk over each other; adds a variety of perspectives and can increase … [Read more...]
Office Productivity: Stop the Meeting Madness

Meetings can absolutely eat up your day if you let them. Ever seen the Dilbert cartoon about preliminary pre-meeting meetings? Does it feel like you're stuck in that Dilbert cartoon and can't get anything effective done? Well, you don't have to take it anymore! Keep these things in mind when dealing with time-stealing meetings. Refuse Face-to-Face Meetings When Unnecessary Determine if you really need to meet in person. How many times have you attended a meeting and asked yourself, "Why am I here?" Hopefully, by now you've started protecting your time from every person who wants a piece of it. If my clients want to meet in person, I charge a consulting fee. For telephone calls, no charge. Ninety percent of the time, a conference call will suffice. Extra travel time and expenses are … [Read more...]
Time Management: Audio Podcast: I Spend Waaaaay Too Much Time on…
I asked readers to fill in the blank on our last monthly survey and received some great responses. There were tons of interesting answers, but it didn’t take long to start seeing some patterns. (C) 2009 Laura Stack. Powered by … [Read more...]
Business Efficiency: FREE Webinar with Laura Stack January 7
Leave the Office Earlier with Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro®, Day-Timer, and Office Depot January 7 from 10AM-11AM Mountain Time. ** Sponsored by Day-Timer and Office Depot ** Do you find yourself continually racing against time? Do you feel that you have so much to do that it’s difficult to get anything done? Managing time effectively is the key to managing your individual performance. Time management is much more complicated than making a list and checking things off. Learn how to set priorities and focus on what’s truly important, plan and schedule your day, and organize your time management system. Attend this special webinar with Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro®, and you'll learn how to achieve Maximum Results in Minimum Time®. Get your work done efficiently and leave the … [Read more...]
Time Management: The Productivity Minute #19: Business Processes That Make No Sense-United Airlines
Are your employees bogged down with business processes that make no sense? Laura gives an example of a United Airlines policy that not only inconveniences customers, but also wastes employee time. Eliminate business processes that don't make sense! (C) 2009 Laura Stack. All rights reserved. … [Read more...]
Increasing Productivity: What Is The Number One Time-Waster?
The latest Bureau of Labor Statistics American Time Use Survey for 2008 has recently come out, and it holds some interesting statistics about the way Americans as a whole spend their time. A common frustration we hear from people is that there just isn’t enough time for what’s important. Looking at the survey results it would appear that watching television is the number one time-waster in people’s days. According to the survey, over 80% of people spend close to three hours a day watching television. The only other things American’s spent more time on were working and sleeping. If you’re looking for a quick fix for time issues, it’s a good idea to take an honest look at your leisure time and see if television is eating up a large portion of it. There’s nothing wrong with relaxing a bit at … [Read more...]