What’s Your Personal ROI?

"Loyalty, hard work and diligence are all great assets, but leadership today wants to know what your personal contribution is to cost reduction, increase in sales…what’s the return for your hours put in, and your salary and benefits that they pay you for that work?" -- Terry Humphrey, American business coach. "It's really up to each of us to make certain that our personal and professional value is realized by those around us... Never assume that people know that kind of information." -- Sheryl Sookman, Principal, The MeetingConnection "You possess personal capital. It is comprised of your time, effort, knowledge and skills. Investing that capital wisely yields a return on your investment. The higher your return on investment (your ROI), the more profit you earn." -- Nan Russell, American … [Read more...]

During Which Period of the Day Do You Feel Most Productive?

"I frequently find it odd that so many people need to squeeze their working hours into a narrow timeframe, and I hope that modern jobs will start to change this." -- Alexander Swallow, poll respondent, U.K . "Early morning—there are few others around, the phone doesn't ring, there's little clutter in the working memory, and the imagination works better. Psychologically, there's more enthusiasm at the beginning of the day." -- Alan S. Hill, poll respondent, Australia "It always varies for me, but when I DO feel productive, no matter what time of the day it is, I will capitalize on that by 1) Making sure I'm having fun, which will 2) Lower my stress level and 3) Make me feel more hopeful and creative and productive. " -- Dr. Trina Hess, poll respondent, U.S.A. Back in mid-May … [Read more...]

Productivity Minute Video: Packing Efficiently for a Trip

Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro(R), travels extensively. She shares tips on packing for maximum efficiency. (C) 2011 Laura Stack, All Rights Reserved https://theproductivitypro.com … [Read more...]

Productivity Minute Video: Packing Efficiently for a Trip

Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro(R), travels extensively. She shares tips on packing for maximum efficiency. (C) 2011 Laura Stack, All Rights Reserved https://theproductivitypro.com … [Read more...]

Distractions and Interruptions

Why do distractions and interruptions tend to disrupt our focus so easily? The answer is at least partly biological. Despite modern myth, the brain isn't a marvel of infinite capacity; we are, after all, only human, with all the limitations that implies. One limitation lies in our capacity to process what's happening in the world around us. We're flooded with so much sensory data at any one time that our brains have to filter out most of it to avoid overload, working with what's left to create a structured reality that we can function within. One result, as Winifred Gallagher points out in her intriguing book Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life, is that "when you focus, you're spending cognitive currency that should be wisely invested, because the stakes are high." That is, you have … [Read more...]

Productivity Minute Video: Don’t Overload Yourself

Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro(R) talks about doing too much. You can't be productive if you're overloaded. (C) 2011 Laura Stack, All Rights Reserved https://theproductivitypro.com … [Read more...]

Business Time Management For Sales People: Freeing Up Your Time to Sell

In sales, there will always be more things to do than time to do them. Working longer isn't going to save you. (I’d bet you’ve never gone to sleep at the end of a long day with everything on your to-do list completed.) To counter this never-ending battle, you’ll need to learn to be more efficient and get your work done in less time. Always keep in mind that it doesn’t matter if you worked a 12-hour day if 10 of those hours didn’t involve tasks that translate into revenue. To free up more time for client acquisition (asking for referrals, calling prospects, networking, etc.), you must decrease time spent on administrivia and increase time spent on the selling function. If you can figure out how to be more productive during the day and achieve greater results in less time, you can leave … [Read more...]

Business Productivity: Four Productive Networking Tips

"It isn't just what you know, and it isn't just who you know. It's actually who you know, who knows you, and what you do for a living." -- Bob Burg, American business writer "Your power is almost directly proportional to the thickness of your Rolodex, and the time you spend maintaining it. Put bluntly, the most potent people I've known have been the best networkers -- they 'know everybody from everywhere' and have just been out to lunch with most of them." -- Tom Peters, American business writer "The currency of real networking is not greed but generosity." -- Keith Ferrazzi, American marketing consultant and author Make no mistake: who you are and what you know, and the facility and flair with which you wield both your talent and knowledge, are key contributors to your success in … [Read more...]

Cleaning Out Your Life and Purging Things You Don’t Need

"The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak." -- Hans Hoffman, American abstract painter "As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness." -- Henry David Thoreau "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." -- Confucius, ancient Chinese philosopher We've all heard the lifestyle guru's favorite mantra: "Simply, simply, simplify," after that paragon of simplicity himself, Thoreau. That's actually pretty good advice, and not just for your personal life. Simplifying has its place in the office as well; in fact, it may be more critical there than elsewhere, since it's another part of the grand mosaic that results in … [Read more...]

Productivity Minute Video: Lurking Stressors

Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro(R) talks about lurking stressors and how they affect our productivity. (C) 2011 Laura Stack, All Rights Reserved https://theproductivitypro.com … [Read more...]