The Ten Commandments of cell phone etiquette

I just had a conversation with my assistant about this very issue today.  She only works part-time a few hours on Mon, Wed, Fri.  When she comes to work, she shares my office, which isn't the best arrangement, but I work from home.  My husband John has the second office, so, well, there you have it.  Like anyone, she gets personal phone calls at work on her cell phone.  I frankly don't really care when people call her.  She's very diligent and works hard, so it doesn't bother me that she answers her cell phone.  What *does* bother me is having her carry on her personal phone conversations a few feet away from me.  She's been working for me for a year and a half now, and I can't believe I haven't said anything so far, but today I had to speak up.  She talked with her lawn guy for five … [Read more...]