“This thing all things devours:/ Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;/ Gnaws iron, bites steel; /Grinds hard stones to meal; /Slays king, ruins town, /And beats high mountain down.” – Gollum's riddle for Bilbo in The Hobbit, by British professor and writer J.R.R. Tolkien. If you haven't already figured it out, the answer to Gollum's riddle is Time, and no matter what we do, it seems there's never enough of it. We all get the same 168 hours per week. So why is it some people get very little done, while others are paragons of productivity? Simple: productive workers treat time as the finite resource it is, making effective use of every minute. They're not necessarily smarter than you or work longer hours. They've learned the lessons of efficiency: they work harder and smarter. Rather than … [Read more...]