Nothing But Cream: Promoting Excellence in the Workplace

"If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as a Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of Heaven and Earth will pause to say, 'Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.'"   -- Martin Luther King, Jr., American minister and civil rights leader.     We've all heard the saying "the cream rises to the top," and anyone who's ever handled raw milk knows this to be true. Business leaders love to apply this term to the workplace—but rarely do they bother to tell you that, with a little hard work on your part, your team's output can be mostly cream. Like everything else it takes time, careful planning, and consistent guidance—but that's why they … [Read more...]

Top Ten Things to Do Before Ten to Ensure a Productive Day

"Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." -- Benjamin Franklin, U.S. publisher and Founding Father. "If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first." -- Mark Twain, American humorist.   Whether you achieve full alertness within minutes of waking up or require a caffeine infusion before you can think straight (like me), the early morning hours represent a crucial productivity period. What you accomplish in the first few hours after rising can set the tone for your entire day's productivity at work. New research into sleep habits emphasizes the value of early-morning productivity. According to a recent study in the journal Emotion, early risers … [Read more...]

Make Some Waves to Get Rid of Time Drains

Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro(R), says that sometimes you need to speak up about things that are hampering your productivity. (C) 2011 Laura Stack. All Rights Reserved. … [Read more...]

How to Drive Workplace Productivity in a Virtual Office

How to Drive Workplace Productivity in a Virtual Office

In last month's newsletter, I discussed workplace delegation in light of the technological innovations that allow us to reach halfway across the world if desired to find ideal outsourcing providers. But in truth, you can apply this whiz-bang technology to employees in just about any category. Given access to reliable channels of instant communication, you no longer have to keep team members close at hand in order to maximize team and personal productivity. The virtual office, administered and maintained via cyberspace, has truly come into its own. Your virtual assistant can live in Michigan and your receptionist in Florida, while your prestigious professional address may place you in downtown Manhattan, even if you run everything from your home in the Hamptons. When managed properly, … [Read more...]

Super Competent: Achieve More in Today’s Workplace

In this competitive economy, just being able to do your job is no longer enough. Competence is simply expected in today’s workplaces. But you can’t be simply competent; you have to be super competent to get an edge. Part of being super competent is discovering the six keys to unlocking your full potential: Activity, Availability, Attention, Accessibility, Accountability, and Attitude. Once you do, you’ll find you have reached a clear and practical system for achieving maximum results in a minimum amount of time. By contrasting super competent hero thinking with simply competent zero thinking, you’ll see that transforming your performance is not about mantras but mindsets. When the rubber hits the road, the difference between merely having ability and being exceptional may be the … [Read more...]

55 1/2 Easy Ways to Boost Productivity Today

55 1/5 Easy Ways to Boost Productivity Today

Okay, let’s face it. We’re all trying to do more with less. And chances are that you and your company have already made the big, tough decisions needed to streamline operations. But what about the little things? You can still boost both personal and team productivity in lots of smaller ways that are easy to implement and provide immediate results. Read on for quick tips on getting more done. 1. Hit the ground running. Don’t waste the first hour of the day. As soon as you arrive, focus on getting something done before you even think about checking Facebook or dropping in on a coworker. 2. Decline a meeting. Meetings are necessary. Every meeting is not. Don’t automatically accept every meeting invitation you receive, especially if there is no clear agenda or outcome. 3. Close your … [Read more...]

Lean Processes and DOWNTIME

While it hasn’t always been practiced with any great rigor, the concept of waste reduction has long been a part of American business tradition. Ben Franklin's common- sense reminders of "waste not, want not," and "a penny saved is a penny earned" have been well taken by such luminaries as Henry Ford, who introduced the modern assembly line, and the founders of time-and-motion studies and scientific management, Frank Gilbreth and Frederick Winslow Taylor. By the 1970s, Japanese industrial engineers had integrated all these concepts and more into a framework that eventually came to be known as lean manufacturing. Mostly derived from the Toyota Production System (TPS) and guided by industrial engineers Taiichi Ohno and Shigeo Shingo, lean manufacturing is based on the idea of preserving (or … [Read more...]

Business Productivity: Crises are Flying Saucers

Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro(R), gives advice on mitigating the effects of unexpected crises. (C) 2011 Laura Stack. All Rights Reserved. … [Read more...]

Productive Travel: Tips for Business Travelers

Too often, business travelers use their trips as opportunities to rest up for the next bit of work. However, it pays to shift your mindset. The savvy worker never wastes travel or hotel time. You should always be willing to make good, productive use of those periods that most travelers would consider "lost hours," because doing so offers a unique opportunity to get work done with few distractions or interruptions. In this article, I'll outline a few simple things that you can do to maximize your business productivity while you're on the road. Plan Efficiently Spontaneity can be fun, but save it for vacation time. Before you ever set foot outside your home, it's best to make certain that every step of your trip is mapped out (doubly important for international travel). Start well in … [Read more...]

Workplace Productivity Ruts

Determined to jump out of a workplace productivity rut? Don't forget to reconnect with your Muse. Now, the hardnosed businessperson in you might view such a statement with a bit of suspicion. What, you may ask, does "a Muse" have to do with revitalizing your productivity at work? Well...everything, really. Your Muse represents, collectively, all those things that drive your creativity. While you can be productive for a while without any real inspiration, the lack can eventually wear you down into a rut where you're content to maintain no better than minimum standards. Work becomes boring and pointless...and there goes your productivity. When you feel the walls closing in, stop and think about why you work in the first place. Ultimately, what do you intend to achieve? Go back and review … [Read more...]