Time Management Video: Eliminate the Later Factor

Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro(R) discusses how "I'll do that later" can affect your productivity. (c) 2010 Laura Stack. All Rights Reserved … [Read more...]

Top 50 Productivity Blogs to Watch in 2010

We're excited to be included among the terrific blogs on Evan Carmichael's "The Entrepreneur Blog" list of top productivity blogs to watch in 2010! The list includes great blogs in the areas of business, personal, technology lifestyle and more. Check it out! … [Read more...]

Work Life Balance: Video: Make Your Health Your Number One Priority

Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro(R) discusses how your health can affect productivity and how important it is to take care of yourself. (c) 2010 Laura Stack. All Rights Reserved … [Read more...]

Time Management: Productivity-Boosting Sites on the Web

PC Magazine recently published a list of "52 Incredibly Useful Sites." The web can sometimes be filled with time-wasting sites, so it's great to have a list of sites that can boost productivity and make web-surfing more enjoyable. Kudos to PC Magazine for this great list! Enjoy: http://www.pcworld.com/article/194735/52_incredibly_useful_sites_the_full_list.html … [Read more...]

Time Management: Video: What You Should Do First Thing in the Morning

Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro(R) Talks about finding the best use of your time in the morning. (c) 2010 Laura Stack. All Rights Reserved … [Read more...]

Business Productivity: SHRM Interview on Social Media with Laura Stack

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This article correlates to the fifth key in my newest book SuperCompetent: The Six Keys to Perform at Your Productive Best (Wiley), to be released on August 9: ACCOUNTABILITY. Accountability recognizes that "the buck stops here." SuperCompetent people mean what they say and say what they mean. They're authentic, and other people know this and appreciate them for it—and also for their refusal to blame others when unforeseen circumstances trip them up. Their intense focus on their values is borne out in their demeanor and their sense of personal responsibility. Accountability involves your commitment to yourself and others. It's about the promises we make to the people who rely on us—and to ourselves. It's about consistently hitting goals, meeting deadlines, fulfilling promises, and … [Read more...]

Work Life Balance: Beating the After-Work-Low-Energy-Blues

How is your energy level after work?  When you work hard all day long and come home exhausted, what is the first thing you want to do? For many people, it’s pick up the remote, sit on the couch, watch television, and just veg out. Let’s discuss some alternatives, because the less you do, the less energy you are going to have. The more you do the more energy you are going to have. It’s one of life’s cruel ironies. Take exercise for example. The more you exercise, the more energy you have; the less you exercise, the less energy you have. Intuitively, we know this is true, but it is so hard to put into practice. After you’ve worked hard all day, you come home to more…work.  This is the second shift—the one you don’t get paid to do. You need all the energy you can muster to make dinner, … [Read more...]

Time Management: Social Media Un-Productivity: How to Avoid Addiction

SOCIAL MEDIA UN-PRODUCTIVITY – HOW TO AVOID ADDICTION I’ve coined the term Obsessive Compulsive Social Media Disorder. Do you have it? Many people confess, “Facebook is my secret addiction. I’m obsessed! I don’t really know how to cure it, but I spend hours every day on Facebook, plus LinkedIn, Twitter, and all my other social media sites. I’ve not yet been able to monetize the results of this activity and am not really sure whether I am getting any business off of it.” It’s a common complaint. You absolutely need to have a presence in social media and spend time doing it; however, it can be a huge productivity drain if you are not careful. Here are a few tips to make it more manageable and more productive: 1. Do not leave your Twitter feed open and observe posts in real time. … [Read more...]

Performance Improvement: Daily Routines and Morning Rituals

How would you describe your morning routine? Perhaps you get to work, fetch your coffee, line up your snacks, figure out what you didn’t do yesterday, catch up with your coworkers, post your social media updates, and check your email. Now what time is it? Lunchtime! And your energy is fading fast. So perhaps you got Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter updated, your favorite blogs read, and your email done…but you kept adding to your to-do list…and you didn’t accomplish much of anything significant. I’m issuing a productivity challenge for tomorrow: I dare you to break your typical routine. If you usually come in the morning and get a cup of coffee, I would challenge you to bring your coffee. If you usually open up your Outlook and check your messages, I would ask you not to do email first. … [Read more...]