"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."—Albert Einstein, German-American physicist. With rare exceptions, first-time ballerinas don’t perform a perfect Swan Lake, inexperienced writers don’t produce their magnum opuses immediately, and brand new teams don’t slide effortlessly into perfect productivity. There’s always a learning curve, a period when individual members test their boundaries, discover where their jobs end and others begin, and yes, figure out the pecking order. You can expect some delay before high performance emerges, but you can speed the process by setting ground rules—specific procedures to ensure that all team members play well with each other. Effective teams know how to work towards mutual resolution, even when … [Read more...]
Playing By the Rules: Establishing Procedures for Resolving Team Conflicts
Avoiding Distractions for Greater Productivity
Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro, gives advice on dealing with distraction. (C) 2015 Laura Stack, All Rights Reserved. www.TheProductivityPro.com … [Read more...]
Increasing Productivity at Work: A Modest Survey
"Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning." —Benjamin Franklin, U.S. Founding Father. Someone once told me, "This world would be a nice place if it weren't for all the people." He meant it humorously, but the statement stuck with me because of the grain of truth at its core. While we tend to work best as parts of teams, we also get annoyed with people who get in our way or won't listen to us. It's so much easier to take charge and just lay down the law than to compromise, but for most of us, that's not an option. In a recent survey, I asked my newsletter readers, "If you were going to increase your productivity at work, what would need to happen?" Although some admitted they needed to improve their work skills, a full … [Read more...]
Coworker Codependency: The Value of Teams
It's unfortunate that the term "codependent" has taken on such negative connotations over the past few decades, because otherwise it would be ideal for expressing the value of teamwork. Indeed, I would argue that all teams are codependent to some extent, in that each of us depends on our teammates to do their jobs promptly and professionally. In this sense, "codependent" works in the same spirit as "cooperation," since we help our teammates—our coworkers—function at the height of their productive abilities. Perhaps a less loaded (if less accurate) term for this relationship would be "interdependent." Each team member, from the leader down to the summer intern, engages with each other to produce the most product possible in the least amount of time. Ironically, teamwork is both the … [Read more...]
Fixing Instead of Finger-Pointing
Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro, discusses how to get to solutions instead of wasting time playing the blame game. (C) 2015 Laura Stack, All Rights Reserved. www.TheProductivityPro.com … [Read more...]
Around the Bend: Behaviors That Drive Your Coworkers Crazy
"Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their image."—Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German writer and statesman. In recent months, I've conducted Q&A surveys via my Productivity Pro® newsletter, collecting the results using the SurveyMonkey app. If you're a reader, you've probably seen them; you may even have responded—thank you if you did! I've learned some interesting facts from my readers, most of which have direct application in any workplace. One of the first questions I asked my readers was, "What bugs the you-know-what out of you?" Given the wording, I expected some blunt answers, and that's what I got. Most respondents listed their greatest pet peeve only, but some listed several. They came down to three broad categories: Lack of … [Read more...]
Yes Men, No Men: Dealing With the “Autonegatives” at Work
Do you have a coworker who says "no" to your ideas before he or she has given them a decent hearing? For whatever reason, some individuals always have to say "no" before they can see clear to even considering something new. These “no men” (gender neutral) are more annoying and useless, at least in the short term, than “yes men”—and that's really saying something. I call them "autonegatives." These people love to criticize and tear down ideas before they’ve given them any real thought. Autonegatives live everywhere in life. Some may be masquerading as your friends or family. Sometimes you run into them in shops (though the smart manager doesn't leave them in place long). At work, the fiefdom builders and information hoarders tend to be autonegatives, some because they like the tiny … [Read more...]
Getting Clarity in Workplace Communication
Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro, talks about communication in the workplace. (C) 2015 Laura Stack, All Rights Reserved. … [Read more...]
That Sense of Belonging: A Teamwork Necessity
"A deep sense of love and belonging is an irreducible need of all people."-- Brené Brown, American author We all want to belong, whether it's as part of a marriage, a family, a social club, a political party, a community, a nation, or some combination of the above. The best workplace teams also provide a sense of belonging. Well-established work processes, mutual respect, a deep sense of familiarity, and a commitment to group decisions and actions can all contribute to greater productivity. Perhaps most importantly, productive teams develop and live by a series of team norms. These represent the "rules" all team members work under, based on group consensus. They don't have to be unanimous; but like most group decisions, everyone lives by them for the good of the whole. The Evolution … [Read more...]
The Teamwork Quandary: Deciding When It’s Necessary and When it’s Not
By the time we're in grade school, our teachers heavily emphasize the value of teamwork: "there's no ‘I’ in team," "play well with others," "class participation is part of your grade." And there's nothing wrong with any of that—childhood is rehearsal for life. Play and education are a kid's jobs, because these activities socialize us into our culture, help us learn how to handle other people, and teach us what adults expect of us as we mature. They also prepare us for the reality of working for a living, where few of us accomplish anything entirely alone. On the other hand, some cultures also urge us to be self-reliant, to pick up the slack where no one else will, to be our own people, to work hard for our own goals. The U.S., Britain, Australia, Denmark, and Holland are a few examples … [Read more...]