Here is the weekly roundup of activity from Laura Stack’s blog, columns, podcast, and other featured articles. Scroll down to read the complete roundup of productivity resources to help you create Maximum Results in Minimum Time.
This week on the Blog
Quick and To the Point: Texting and Instant Messaging Protocols in the Workplace
Communication may be the most important factor in any partnership, and it’s certainly a glue that binds a team together. But it comes in many forms, especially in the workplace. Two of those are texting and Instant Messaging (IM), which are common means of modern business communication today. How do we make the best use of each in a teamwork environment? Read the full article.
This week on LinkedIn:
Pairing Up: The Advantages of a Team of Two at Work
Though we rarely think of them as such, a duo is still a team, and it can have many advantages. When your team is only two people, it’s much easier to communicate and agree on everything, from project requirements to what to have for lunch. Small(er) teams also tend to produce more per capita (per the two-pizza rule). However, two-person teams must be more careful about avoiding groupthink and poor decision-making. Read More on LinkedIn.
In the news:
Scientifically proven ways to make your weekend happier at Fortune Magazine
5 tips for making more purpose-driven decisions at The Business Journals
Recommended Articles:
Why I’m Not Teaching My 7th Graders About Balance This Term at Elephant
How to Have Fewer but More Productive Meetings at TIME
Teamwork is essential to productivity. How does your productivity affect the team and vice versa? Listen in!