Local piggybacking training tours with Laura Stack coming to your area

If you or someone in your company or organization occasionally brings in outside speakers for training or meetings, please keep reading.

As the economy turns around, we are finding training hasn’t yet returned to 2006-2008 levels, budgets are still suppressed, and attendees can’t get out of their offices for a full day of training. So after successful pilots in Sioux Falls, SD, and Tampa, FL, we think we’ve stumbled on a solution: we are playing MATCHMAKER. Rather than flying out to work with a single company, we will help you find someone in your area to split the costs.

Here’s how it will work. I will book a two-day tour in select cities based upon interest. We will use the same discounted in-state “piggybacking” rates we use for Colorado. Four companies will each get a half-day program and split travel expenses four ways. The tour will look something like this:

Laura flies in the night before.
DAY 1, Company 1, AM session
DAY 1, Company 2, PM session

Drive to nearby city if necessary, spend night.
DAY 2, Company 3, AM session
DAY 2, Company 4, PM session
Fly out

Each company’s share will be $3K plus ¼ the travel expenses. (This is calculated at $6000 per day (discounted rate) x 2 days = $12,000 / 4 = $3,000 per company plus ¼ travel costs per half day of training.)


Available productivity courses with Laura Stack

We will still design a custom program for you, based on your development needs and specifications!

Click here for a current list of sample productivity training programs.


