No Email Days?

Would you be more productive by taking a day off each week from emails?  Some companies have tried to implement no-email days and have received mixed feedback.  This story from ABC News tells of co-workers who discovered that they were across the hall from one another rather than across the country.  It takes time to adjust, but taking a break from email can actually boost productivity and enhance your business relationships.

While it may seem quicker to dash off an email, taking the time to pick up the phone to contact a client or walk down the hall to see a co-worker personalizes the contact.  In this era of “crackberry” communication, it seems like a rare thing to have actual conversations with people.  What would your office be like if everyone took the day off from email and just talked to each other, or picked up the phone to contact clients and vendors?  Are we so addicted to electronic communication that it would hinder our ability to do our work, or would it be a welcome break and boost to productivity.  Give it a shot and tell me what you find! 

(C) 2008 Laura Stack.  All rights reserved.



  1. The latest research says that workers spend more than 2 hours each day reading and replying to email. So email has the potential to dwarf all other forms of communication. I find an effective way to manage email is to turn off the automatic notification and to respond to emails 2-3 times a day. This way I am not responding like a Pavlov dog, but rather responding to email on my time.