Create a list of important papers

In helping my grandparents get their papers in order recently, we had to search for some important items, and they couldn’t put their hands on some things right away.  In the event of a death or a disaster in your life, would your loved ones be able to help you or make the proper arrangements?  I recommend you sit down and spend some time typing out a list of all your important information, numbers, contact information, locations, passwords, etc., and keep it in a lockbox or fireproof safe, or give a copy to a trusted family member…just in case.  I got you started with a template at  Don’t put it off!



  1. I must admit that I am using this excel file at my working place for a couple weeks now, though I changed little things to personalized it (for istance I created five sheets for each day in the same file) and it works quite fine.