We’ve become dependent upon computers, our phones, email, voicemail, and the Internet. These devices connect us to the world of work, and today, you must be technologically savvy. Technology can undoubtedly improve your productivity, but it can make you LESS productive if you’re not careful. This seminar discusses how to use the latest technologies to your advantage, without letting technology take advantage of you.
- Select the best medium of communication.
- Manage your email in-box effectively.
- Discover simple tricks to reduce information overload
- Use filters, navigation, and other timesaving tricks.
- Run regular maintenance and backups.
- Control email “spam” and unwanted email.
- Learn email and voicemail etiquette and protocol.
- Make the Internet work for you without wasting time.
- Organize your computer, so you can find files easily.
- Travel with a virtual office and stay connected.
- Avoid technology time traps.
- Get the most out of the tools you do have.
- Automatic repetitive tasks with macros, templates, and shortcuts.
- Determine whether you should “PDA” or “Paper.”
- Purchase the software, hardware, tools, accessories, and gadgets you must have to be productive.
- Use your phone and voicemail as effective productivity tools.
- Separate the myths from the realities of the paperless office.
- Make technology and human interaction work together.
Contact us to today to inquire about your event, theme, location, fees, and availability.