All PDF eBooks come with an MP3 of Laura reading the book, so you can listen anywhere! All audio/ebook bundles are $4.99 each, or you could purchase the entire collection of 35 for $99. To order, or to inquire about bulk orders, email
A Winning Mindset – The Secret Weapon of Powerful People: Powerful people exude the passion that commits fully to a course of action and sees it all the way through. Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro, will teach you how to develop a winning mindset and maintain consistent, productive behaviors.
Achieving Your Highest Vision of Yourself: Designing Your Ideal Life: What would make you happy? Creating a life in alignment with your values? Living up to your highest vision of yourself? So make your imaginings come true! Laura Stack will help you turn the dreams in your head into actionable goals. You’ll learn how to divide your time among the various priorities and goals in your life and achieve equilibrium. Once set, your goals will act like a magnet—pulling you towards them.
Apply 3-V Impact: Strengthen Your Visual, Verbal, and Vocal Image: Professionals admire and often envy those who make presentations with ease and confidence. If you present in business situations where you need to motivate, persuade, and hold the attention of a group, this eBook will provide tested strategies you can learn and practice to improve your skills. You’ll feel reassured that you don’t have to be “a natural.” You’ll learn specific strategies you can learn and practice to improve your skills. And you’ll find out how to shine in your next presentation.
Becoming Self-Disciplined: Make Yourself Do What You Should Do, Even When You Don’t Feel Like It: You are persistent in completing your high priority tasks without getting sidelined by menial activities? Do you work hard every day or only when you’re in the mood? You’ll learn to correct and regulate yourself for the sake of continuous improvement and personal productivity. You’ll exercise restraint over your own impulses, emotions, and desires. And you’ll realize that working on the right task doesn’t always mean working on the fun task.
Change is a Celebration: Approaching Uncertainty with Confidence and a Positive Attitude: Change represents the only constant in life today. You may try to understand and react to the changes in your work and personal lives in a positive and productive manner, but sometimes you can feel overwhelmed and confused. The strategies offered by Laura Stack will help you confront current and future changes with confidence and a positive attitude.
Coaching and Mentoring Employees: Helping Others Achieve Their Very Best: Mentoring has a significant beneficial impact on the life of the protégé. How can you effectively be this person for employees and help them achieve their highest visions of themselves? You’ll feel more confident to handle your role as a mentor. You’ll learn behavioral techniques to walk you through an effective mentoring process. And you’ll find out how to be the person that your protégés will someday mention when telling stories about their climb to the top.
Creating an Effective Presentation: Preparing for Success, Controlling the Environment, and Overcoming Fear: Veteran professional speaker, Laura Stack, outlines the five steps to prepare for any presentation. She will teach you how to control your speaking environment through proper room logistics: seating, set-up, microphone, and audio/visual arrangements. You’ll learn to overcome fear and calm yourself down with myriad physical, psychological, and behavioral strategies. You’ll be confident, competent, and composed for your next presentation.
Express Elevator to Success – To Heck with That Corporate Ladder!: If you’re tired of climbing the corporate ladder, may we suggest that you take the elevator instead? SuperCompetent productivity habits can take you off that old rung-by-rung advance and push you ahead so fast that you won’t even have time to notice that glass ceiling as you pass through.
Fiscal Organization: How To Handle Your Finances More Productively No matter how good you are at the daily business of running your company, you may fall a bit short when it comes to the fine fiscal details. That’s okay; we can’t all be financial geniuses. However, you do have to know the basics in order to properly function in the business milieu. So in this innovative presentation, Productivity Pro® Laura Stack offers some handy tips for productive fiscal organization.
Focusing on Your Work: Maintain Your Concentration in an Environment of Distraction: So many things compete for our attention in the workplace—background noise, interruptions, drop-in visitors, and email—it’s often very difficult to concentrate. This eBook will teach you how to be present, keep your brain sharp, and focus on the task at hand? You’ll find out how to overcome distractions from your environment, other people, and your brain.
For Road Warriors: How to be Productive While Working out of a Suitcase: Laura Stack flies over 100,000 miles a year as a professional speaker. Although not everyone has the natural ability to live out of a suitcase or do business from a laptop, with a little practice, you can learn to love your travel time. In this eBook, you’ll find out how to be at your productive best while traveling. You’ll learn how to take advantage of airplanes, rather than letting them take advantage of you. And you’ll feel ready…and we dare say excited…for your next trip.
Get Rid of Stress and Burnout – Boost Productivity with Emotional Control: As you face the pressures of more work, more interaction with coworkers, and more stressful deadlines, you’re likely to find yourself in situations where it is critical to identify and control your emotions. Unmanaged stress not only destroys your productivity, but it can also destroy your health. This e-book examines the link between your emotions and stress and teaches behavioral techniques to help you productively manage your emotions, and reduce your stress.
How Parents Can Help Their Children: Get Organized and Learn to Be Productive: Starting school is a universal time of change for all parents of school-age children. And though much has suddenly changed in our children’s lives, much has stayed the same in some: disorganized bedrooms, poor time management, lack of discipline, and stress. As parents, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of settling our children into the new school year and making sure they’re comfortable that we forget about the ongoing struggles our children endure the rest of the year.
Intense Focus – Where Successful People Get Their Direction: What you do with your day demonstrates the value you place on certain tasks and reflects the importance you give to your activities. Successful people have an intense sense of direction, which guides the choices that cause them to succeed in their goals. In this audio program, Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro, will teach you how successful people are driven by an intense focus on their priorities.
Keep Your Job, Your Family, and Your Sanity: Successful Solutions to Stress Less: My business mission is to help people become more productive. Why? With productivity increases, you can get your work done more efficiently, so you can leave the office earlier and get home to your life. Ultimately, that is why we work and that is what our lives are all about: love. 21 pages.
Leadership Strategies for the Four Stages of Change: Moving People to Commitment: Change is the only constant in life today. You may try to understand and react to the changes in your work and personal lives in a positive and productive manner, but sometimes you can feel overwhelmed and confused about how to assist other people. In this audio seminar, Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro, will discuss how you can help your employees navigate the upcoming changes they will face.
Leave the Office Earlier: How to Strike a Balance Between Workplace Productivity and Employee Burnout: Burning the midnight oil is harmful to employees and employers. But deadlines loom, e-mail piles up, and your star employee has put in another thirteen-hour day. How can leaders keep key people producing at high levels but not leave the organization from overwork and stress?
Maintaining Energy During the Day: Beat the Exhaustion and Be More Productive: It’s hard to be productive when you want to put your head down on your desk and take a nap. In this eBook, Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro®, author of The Exhaustion Cure, will guide you in making the behavior changes necessary to give you vitality and productivity every day! 29 pages.
Making Teams Work: How to Create Productive and Effective Teams: It takes a lot of work and discussion to get a team to function productively and effectively. Tapping a team’s creative power can only happen when team members recognize and value each other’s contributions and strengths. You’ll realize the impact of your time management style on others. You’ll find out how to relate positively as a team member. And you’ll hear how to increase the circle of trust and understanding among your team members.
Managing Employee Performance: Motivation, Ability, and Obstacles: When an employee doesn’t perform up to par, a manager must evaluate why the job isn’t getting done and help the employee improve. In this eBook, Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro, will teach you how! You’ll determine the cause of performance problems, create a motivating environment where employees want to give their best, and criticize effectively when needed.
Moving on UP – Changing Your Approach at the Managerial Level: When you make the transition to management, you’ll find that while the basic principles that have guided your career thus far still apply, your approach to them must change. Things look somewhat different at the managerial level, and your duties and decisions are more significant and encompassing. Sure, the perks are better, but so are the responsibilities! 15 pages.
Presenting Yourself Competently: How to Sell Yourself, So You Can Sell Anything Else: Let’s face it: selling anything is difficult, whether you do it by cold-calling or by making pitches in person. You’ve got to get through all the clutter clamoring for people’s attention, and then you’ve got to pierce that shell of apathy and skepticism that most people adapt in order to function in modern society. The best way to attract and retain your prospect’s attention is to present yourself with confidence and enthusiasm.
Productive Reading Strategies: Organizing and Tackling Your Reading Pile: Do you have too much to read and too little time? You’ll benefit from these reading techniques designed to boost your reading productivity! Getting through your reading tasks more quickly will free up time for other priorities.
Savvy Parenting: Raising Productive, Responsible Teenagers: In this program, bestselling author (and mother) Laura Stack outlines her secrets for parenting a teenager to teach the productive habits required to graduate to adult status and truly succeed at life.
Self-Promotion and Self-Presentation Skills: Marketing Yourself for Success: The ability to handle yourself properly at a job interview will make you stand out above the competition. Powerful self-promotion and self-presentation skills will help you enhance your perceived value to the hiring manager. Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro, will teach you four techniques to market yourself powerfully in a job interview.
Stop That Stinking Thinking: Shift Your Attitude and Regain Perspective: Being negative really takes extra energy—energy you could otherwise be channeling into your favorite pursuits. Instead, learn to approach life with a positive, can-do attitude! In this eBook, Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro®, will teach you how to cultivate tolerance instead of impatience; optimism rather than pessimism; and gratitude over an ungrateful spirit.
SuperCompetent: The Six Keys to Perform at Your Productive Best eBook : In this competitive economy, just being able to do your job is no longer enough. Competence is simply expected in today’s workplaces. But you can’t be simply competent; you have to be SuperCompetent® to get an edge. In this eBook, Laura Stack gives high potentials proven methods to reach peak performance and achieve breakthrough results. You’ll discover the six keys to unlocking your full potential.
The Customer Bill of Rights: The Top Four Things Customers Want : SERVICE is SURVIVAL. We’re all competing for customers. If you don’t provide good service to them, they’ll go somewhere else. Laura Stack, who has run a successful speaking and training business for nearly 20 years, will teach you how to get new customers and keep the ones you have by practicing the four things all customers want.
The Customer Code of Ethics: The Eight Beliefs of a Great Service Attitude : The study of ethics seeks to address concepts such as good and bad, right and wrong, justice, and virtue. As ethics apply to customer service, it’s your attitude about the way to treat customers, which has to stem from an inner belief that it’s the RIGHT thing to do. You’ll learn from Laura Stack, who has run a successful business for nearly 20 years, the eight beliefs of a great service attitude.
The Five C’s of Good Communication: Connecting With Your Reader: Would you like to learn how to get decision makers to read your documents? Would you like your materials to be placed at the top of the stack? Now you can! Learn from Laura Stack, the author of several published books, as she offers sage advice for successful business writing. Whether you’re crafting cover letters, resumes, or emails, keep these five key communication principles in mind.
The Greatest Gift of All: Showing Your Love by Giving Your Time: Never take your time with your spouse for granted, for tomorrow may never come. Treasure every minute with your beloved. Make time when none exists. Put aside your work to look into your spouse’s eyes and really listen. In this eBook, Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro®, lets us in on some of the inside secrets of her successful marriage. She preaches what she practices: giving the greatest gift of all to your spouse: your time.
The Six Laws of Approachability: How to Break Down Barriers and Get People to Like You: Would you like to get people to instantly like you and be drawn to you, without them even knowing why? Now you can! Bestselling author Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro, presents her incredible Six Laws of Approachability.
Time Management: How to Control Your Day in an Uncontrollable Workplace: Do you find yourself continually racing against time? Do you feel that you have so much to do that it’s difficult to get anything done? Time management is much more complicated than making a list and checking things off. Managing time effectively is the key to managing your individual performance. Laura Stack will teach you how to set priorities; focus on what’s truly important; and schedule your day.
Where Did I Put My Keys? Six Essential Skills for a Stellar Memory: Would you like to remember things more easily? Would you like to stop waking up in the middle of the night, suddenly thinking of something? Would you like to relieve your brain of the strain of tracking reminders? Now you can! Bestselling author Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro, presents her six incredible keys to improving your memory.
Your Household Budget: Juggling Finances on the Home Front: In the ongoing whirl of work, family obligations, social interactions, and all the other activities that make up our lives, it’s easy to forget about domestic finances. Who wants to worry about bills on top of everything else? But effective handling of your household budget forms a foundation for your efforts elsewhere, and it’s especially critical for busy parents. So in this white paper, I’ll discuss strategies for successfully staying on top of your home-front financials.