Stop Drinking From the Firehose: Five Easy Cures for Information Overload

“Our brains would melt if they tried to process and store even a fraction of the information they are exposed to.” – Tim Pollard, American communications professional. Face it: we're drowning in information. There's too much to do and see every day. Our brains are already busy in the background, filtering mundane sensory information; few take it into account, but in the modern world, even that's already in overload. There's so much more to experience in a modern town, in a modern nation, than there was when we lived in rural or woodland environments. Worse, we still react the same way to the unexpected as we did then. A water hose in the grass or a stick rustling in a leaf-pile can have your senses screaming "Snake!" These constant warnings result in adrenaline-fueled reactions that … [Read more...]

Evolving Beyond the Neanderthals: Four Ways of Handling Business as Usual at Work

“My way or the highway.” – Common American expression among the inflexible. I have family and friends in South Texas, and recently, I've learned that a remarkable little creature has taken up residence there. It's called the giant cicada. These aren't the ordinary "locusts" that fill Southern days with their gentle oscillating churr; no, la chicharra gigante has an extremely loud, strident call loud, strident call some have compared to a steam whistle—for good reason. Some of your co-workers may be like this. They whine and wail any time you attempt to change a process for the better. They often cite best practice for their inflexibility, refusing to admit that best practices evolve along with work culture and technology. Best practices in the 1990s are not the best practices on the … [Read more...]

Mis-Measuring the New Economy: Three Ways We’re Measuring Modern Productivity Wrong

“The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” – Chicken Little in the ancient children' fable. Whenever the government posts its annual productivity numbers, media pundits immediately start wringing their hands over our "stagnating" national productivity. What they don't tell you is that productivity actually rises every year. It's productivity growth that worries them. But if productivity is rising, doesn't it lift productivity growth too? Well... yes. But not as much as the establishment thinks it should. At the risk of oversimplifying a complex topic: decades ago, economists decided a healthy economy should grow at least 3% annually. Recently, we've averaged less than 2%. Their concern would be reasonable if the economy were static, but in the last 30 years, global trade and the IT … [Read more...]

Chasing the Shiny Thing: Four Hints You May Have Adult ADD, and What to Do About It

“Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.” – Ryan Jenkins, American business writer. After spending so many years working with productive people, and helping others become more productive, I've learned that some of us aren't like the other of us. To some extent, all of us become distracted, at times, by new ideas suddenly appearing in the peripheries of our imaginations, often growing with prominence as they're examined and prove intriguing. I've advised against allowing the new shiny things to overcome your focus, dragging you down the path of unproductivity. But you can't just ignore those shiny things, because they're gifts of the subconscious and may represent solutions to challenges you're … [Read more...]

The New Kids on the Cube Block: Five Things You Can Expect of Generation Z

“Generation Z only knows a world that is hyper-connected, where by the tap of a smartphone, a pair of shoes can be delivered to their doorstep via Uber or a drone in less than an hour. To Generation Z, a phone will be broken if they cannot see the other person on the other end. It’s a brave new world that Generation Z is growing up in.” – Ryan Jenkins, American business writer. Time for the generational Changing of the Guard! The first batch of kids born in Y2K start college in large numbers this fall (including my oldest son). Their slightly older siblings are nearing graduation or have graduated (including my daughter)—and the first few have already entered the workforce. Commonly called Generation Z or the iGeneration, by all indications they'll prove themselves just as practical and … [Read more...]

No Funny Business Here: How Comedy’s Best Productivity Trick Can Work for You in Four Easy Steps

“...After a few days you'll have a chain. Just keep at it and the chain will grow longer every day. You'll like seeing that chain, especially when you get a few weeks under your belt. Your only job next is to not break the chain. Don't break the chain.” – Jerry Seinfeld, American comedian. There may be times when you feel like your work days just melt one into the other, to the point where the weekends almost come as a surprise to you. It may bother you to realize this, but then again, it may be a symptom of high productivity—as long as you're making steady daily progress. As it turns out, productive people in all walks of life deliberately chain their days together to improve their productivity. The idea started with a comedian. You may not think of comedians as hard workers, but … [Read more...]

Ladies and Gentlemen, Start Your Engines: Four Actions to Maximize Your Mornings

“Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend – or a meaningful day.” – Will Rogers, American humorist. There are two kinds of people in this world: those who are morning people, and those who hate them (haha!). Regardless of which you are, one thing's for sure: we all need to maximize our mornings. Granted, not everyone walks into the office at peak energy, and that's fine. Despite all the advice out there telling you to do your hardest task first, if you’re not a morning person, you won’t be at your productive best. So how do you get the ball rolling? Try these four simple tips: Feed the machine. Eat a decent breakfast. Your blood sugar is at its … [Read more...]

Minimalism in the Workplace: Five Ways to Get More Work Done With Less Stuff

“Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like.” – Will Rogers, American humorist. For millennia, religious leaders and philosophers from Jesus to Buddha, Thoreau to Gandhi have sung the praises of living simply, with fewer worldly possessions. You can't take it with you, after all. There are even native cultures in places like Papua New Guinea and the American Northwest where how much you give away to others is far more important than how much you keep. Most Westerners, however, seem to operate on the philosophy "He who dies with the most toys wins." Much of our economy is based on buying new stuff on a regular basis, even when the old stuff still works fine. Why? Partly it's to show off what we can afford; partly … [Read more...]

Spending Time to Conserve Time: Four Ways to Find Out How Much Time You Really Have

“This thing all things devours:/ Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;/ Gnaws iron, bites steel; /Grinds hard stones to meal; /Slays king, ruins town, /And beats high mountain down.” – Gollum's riddle for Bilbo in The Hobbit, by British professor and writer J.R.R. Tolkien. If you haven't already figured it out, the answer to Gollum's riddle is Time, and no matter what we do, it seems there's never enough of it. We all get the same 168 hours per week. So why is it some people get very little done, while others are paragons of productivity? Simple: productive workers treat time as the finite resource it is, making effective use of every minute. They're not necessarily smarter than you or work longer hours. They've learned the lessons of efficiency: they work harder and smarter. Rather than … [Read more...]

Is Your Work Team Too Large? Five Ways to Tell, and What to Do About It

“Too many cooks spoil the broth.” – English-language proverb dating back to the Middle Ages. While it's true that two heads are often better than one, too many heads is a recipe for poor productivity. Indeed, it is possible to over collaborate. But where's the sweet spot of just right? For some things, the number may be one. For other tasks, it may be ten. Decades of business research, however, puts the number somewhere between two and seven, with an average of 4.6. If your team lacks enough to do, it's most likely too big. What are some other indicators that your team is too large? Keep these factors in mind: What are you trying to accomplish? For some tasks, many hands make light work. If you're painting a building or harvesting a field, the more hands, the faster you … [Read more...]