The “Work Less, More Success” Guide to Time Management – Step Two

Continuing with our series on the Productivity Workflow Formula™ (PWF)

Step 2: Schedule Time to Do It: REDUCE YOUR OBLIGATIONS

Schedule Time To Do It

Once you’ve identified your key tasks, make the time to do them. Remember, time management really boils down to self-management: the willingness to stop misusing time and practice self-discipline. While you’re not going to waste time during the workday, you’re not trying to do it all. Block out time for your critical HIT lists tasks right on your calendar.

Work to reduce your obligations by adopting the computer science concept of “caching.” This involves developing the ability to add, drop, and refuse new data on the fly, in order to streamline your workload. I call this “availability caching.” When you find yourself at or near maximum capacity, it helps make your decisions about who and what to give your time to more automatic, objective, and logical.

Speaking of refusing data: learn to say “no” in a polite yet firm way. Don’t let your co-workers talk you into accepting tasks that either belong to them or you lack time to handle. Ask your boss to prioritize projects when he or she tries to overload you. Meanwhile, keep a firm hand on your own tendency to wander. Don’t derail yourself between tasks; exercise clarity, discernment, and vision to make the right choices “in the moment,” because even tiny time intervals count.

Step 3: Coming Soon!


You can get the full details on all six steps in What To Do When There’s Too Much To Do, my brand new handbook for maximizing workplace productivity without running yourself into the ground. Buy your copy at AmazonBarnes and Noble, or 800CEORead and email your receipt to [email protected] for special bonuses by author friends of Laura Stack. Visit for complete details.
