How productive are you? What are the characteristics of productive people? From her groundbreaking, bestselling book, Leave the Office Earlier, Laura Stack discusses the Ten Habits of Highly P-R-O-D-U-C-T-I-V-E™ people:
P = PREPARATION. Get ready to have a productive day. Set goals, plan, and prioritize your activities. Translate your lofty, long-term goals into actionable tasks you can work on today.
R = REDUCTION. Eliminate things that slow you down. Evaluate commitments, inefficiencies, and meetings. Discover your low-value activities and focus on the important.
O = ORDER. Get organized. Use Laura’s C-O-R-E, 6D, and Space methodologies to regain control. Create the systems you need to stay on top of things.
D = DISCIPLINE. Maintain productive behaviors. Practice self-control, eliminate procrastination, and reduce perfectionist tendencies. Focus on doing what you should be doing, rather than what you want to be doing.
U = UNEASE. Use stress positively. Recognize your signs of overload, increase flexibility, and control your emotions. Maintain control when pushed to the limit.
C = CONCENTRATION. Stay on target and stop multi-tasking. Learn the four T-Y-P-Es of distractions, discover amazing focus techniques, and achieve a state of F-L-O-W. Discover how to maintain focus on the task at hand.
T = TIME MASTERY. Manage your activities effectively throughout the day. Discover your biggest time wasters, communication obstacles, and scheduling inefficiencies. Run your life, rather than letting it run you.
I = INFORMATION MANAGEMENT. Use technology to boost output. S-H-A-R-E your information, manage your email and keep an empty inbox, and discover cool new technologies. Keep track of the deluge of information effortlessly.
V = VITALITY. Focus on yourself. Boost your energy levels, discover how health impacts productivity, and practice good self-care. Increase your capacity, so you can perform at your best.
E = EQUILIBRIUM. Spend time correctly across all areas of your life. Articulate your core values, your personal mission statement, and discover what “balance” means for you. Make the proper personal choices and work at a realistic level.
Using hysterical videos to illustrate how you should NOT to do things, Laura then shares the habit that professionals SHOULD use to perform at their productive best!
Take the online assessment today and see how P-R-O-D-U-C-T-I-V-E you are!
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