Stop Thinking and Start Acting: Seven Tips for Making Executive Decisions

Stop Thinking and Start Acting: Seven Tips for Making Executive Decisions by Laura Stack #productivity

There's an image making the rounds on the Internet titled "Executive Decision Making System." It shows a picture of both faces of a penny, heads labeled "Yes" and tails labeled "No." From an outside perspective, that may seem hilariously true—and as a leader yourself, you've probably run into cases where you'd prefer to just flip a coin to settle something, rather than wade through all the pros and cons. You may even have done it once or twice. And don't you feel better after having made a decision? Most of us do. Rita Mae Brown, an American activist and novelist, once said “A peacefulness follows any decision, even the wrong one.” She was certainly no stranger to high-level decision making. Though the world mostly knows her as a writer of cozy mysteries, Brown is an ardent civil … [Read more...]