Getting Things Done: The Productivity Minute #21 Don’t Get to it SOME day Do it NOW

Part of what keeps us stressed out is all of the incomplete tasks running around in our heads. Too many folks have loose ends and things they say they will “get to it some day.” Stop saying “some day” and get those things done! (C) 2009 Laura Stack. All rights reserved.



  1. Hello. People usually tend to let things go so easily, because of many reasons. 1. they realized they have to do something, in the next second they feel like don’t want to to that thing that much, and then they convince their selves that they can do that thing later, that is not that urgent ( even though, we all know that by doing that in that specific moment, means-probably- never meeting that problem again, never loosing another 2 minutes processing that information, and so on.
    2. They have something too urgent to do then, and so they don’t do that then, and forget about it.
    3. …. they do it.
    I very much liked your speech. Thank you!