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Suggested Tweets for Doing the Right Things Right
- Do you know the best way to master the intersection of efficiency and effectiveness? Learn how at #doingtherightthingsright 3TLeadership.com
- #Productivity Pro Laura Stack continues the work of her favorite author #Drucker with #doingtherightthingsright 3TLeadership.com
- Looking for practical advice instead of a business fable? Laura Stack has you covered with #doingtherightthingsright 3TLeadership.com
- Laura Stack brings #Drucker into the post-Great Recession world with her new book. Check it out at 3TLeadership.com.
- Are you a fan of concise writing and straight business talk? Read Laura Stack’s latest, #doingtherightthingsright 3TLeadership.com
- For practical advice about how to boost your productivity, see Laura Stack’s new book #doingtherightthingsright 3TLeadership.com
- Had enough of “once upon a time” fables? Laura Stack offers loads of practical advice with #doingtherightthingsright. 3TLeadership.com
- If Brian Tracy likes it, you’ll surely find enjoy Laura Stack’s latest! Learn more at #doingtherightthingsright. 3TLeadership.com
- Effective isn’t enough; executives have to be efficient, too. Stack’s book shows you how do to both at 3TLeadership.com.
- Laura Stack’s productivity revolution continues with #doingtherightthingsright! 3TLeadership.com
- No one shows you how to mine the efficiency/effectiveness junction better than Stack with #doingtherightthingsright. 3TLeadership.com
- The old business paradigms are no longer good enough, as you’ll learn at #doingtherightthingsright. 3TLeadership.com
- Have plenty of time on your hands as a leader? See #doingtherightthingsright to learn why those days are gone. 3TLeadership.com
- Laura Stack likes to set the business world on its ear, as you’ll see with #doingtherightthingsright. 3TLeadership.com
- Laura Stack’s latest is a worthy companion to #Drucker’s work. See for yourself at #doingtherightthingsright. 3TLeadership.com
- Is your business fast, agile, and flexible enough to survive? Laura Stack can help you with #doingtherightthingsright. 3TLeadership.com
- If you can’t switch from autocrat to facilitator, your team will fail. Learn how to avoid this at #doingtherightthingsright. 3TLeadership.com
- Business success goes beyond doing the right things; it’s about #doingtherightthingsright. 3TLeadership.com
- Is your business team an unproductive mess? Laura Stack can help you fix it with #doingtherightthingsright. 3TLeadership.com
- Nothing’s more useless than doing the wrong thing right. Laura Stack shows you the way at #doingtherightthingsright. 3TLeadership.com
- With #doingtherightthingsright 3TLeadership.com, Laura Stack sets the record straight on how effectiveness and efficiency intersect.
- The ore smelted from efficiency AND effectiveness boosts productivity. Learn more at #doingtherightthingsright. 3TLeadership.com
- No one knows productivity better than Laura Stack, as she shows with book No. 7 #doingtherightthingsright. 3TLeadership.com
- You don’t manage time to increase productivity; you manage yourself. See 3TLeadership.com to learn more. #doingtherightthingsright
- Doing the wrong thing right still makes it the wrong thing. Laura Stack helps you avoid it with #doingtherightthingsright. 3TLeadership.com
- Leadership has changed drastically in the last few years, as Stack teaches in her book #doingtherightthingsright. 3TLeadership.com
- No one teaches efficient, effective productivity better than Laura Stack, as demonstrated by #doingtherightthingsright. 3TLeadership.com
- Laura Stack’s new book gently but firmly reminds us of our responsibilities as leaders. 3TLeadership.com
- If you invest in one business book this year, read #Productivity Pro Laura Stack’s #doingtherightthingsright. 3TLeadership.com
Suggested Facebook/LinkedIn Posts for Doing the Right Things Right
- In 1967, Peter Drucker transformed the business world with his classic book, The Effective Executive. In 2016, Productivity Pro Laura Stack supplements his concept of doing the right things with Doing the Right Things Right: How the Effective Executive Spends Time. For more information, visit 3TLeadership.com.
- The concept of #doingtherightthingsright arises from the intersection of two crucial leadership qualities: Efficiency and Effectiveness. In her latest book, Doing the Right Things Right, Laura Stack explores the best way for modern leaders to maximize their time. Learn more at 3TLeadership.com.
- Where do you spend your time as a leader today? Explore the world of Doing the Right Things Right, Laura Stack’s latest book, due to hit the shelves on January 18, 2016. Like the book that inspired it, Drucker’s The Effective Executive, her new book is chockfull of great advice. 3TLeadership.com
- No one knows productivity better than Laura Stack, and in her world, it all boils down to #doingtherightthingsright. In fact, that’s the title of her latest book, where she breaks it all down for us. Learn more at 3TLeadership.com, and preorder for January delivery.
- Navigate the minefield of time management for the modern business leader! Productivity expert Laura Stack makes it easier with her new book, Doing the Right Things Right. To order and download all kinds of useful extras, check out 3TLeadership.com.
- Modern businesses don’t have time to make mistakes; they need to leverage both efficiency and effectiveness right from the start. In Laura Stack’s new book, Doing the Right Things Right, due at Amazon and on store shelves this January, you can learn all the prerequisites for #doingtherightthingsright. 3TLeadership.com
- Bucking the fairy-tale trend, Laura Stack’s new book, Doing the Right Things Right, focuses tightly on work habits, handy checklists, and precise instructions on everything from goal setting to streamlining your work/life balance. To learn more, visit 3TLeadership.com today.
- Everyone loves a winner, which is why I’m confident my friend Laura Stack’s latest book, Doing the Right Things Right, will soon be climbing the bestseller lists in our field (published by Berrett-Koehler in January). Visit 3TLeadership.com for more information.
- Executives looking for a way to maximize personal productivity need look no farther than Doing the Right Things Right by Laura Stack. She provides all the checklists, tips, and strategies necessary to thrive in the modern business arena. 3TLeadership.com
- Who needs a business fable when you can get real-world application? 3TLeadership.com will teach you the secrets of Doing the Right Things Right, courtesy of Laura Stack, the productivity field’s top go-getter.
- Efficiency + Effectiveness = Doing the Right Things Right, as chronicled in my colleague Laura Stack’s book of the same name, due in January. You’ll be amazed at what she packs into 200 pages. 3TLeadership.com
- You don’t have to study 3TLeadership.com to be a winner at the business leadership game, but it’ll sure help you lead the pack by Doing the Right Things Right. Read her book, and you’ll know why Laura Stack is widely known as a top leadership productivity expert.
- #Doingtherightthingsright keeps you on the straight and narrow in modern business, where leadership has changed drastically. So keep an eye out for Laura Stack’s book, Doing the Right Things Right, due out in January. Meanwhile, visit 3TLeadership.com for extras and a complimentary webinar.
- There are so many more “executives” than ever before, because we execute strategy on the spot and in the moment. Laura Stack’s new book, Doing the Right Things Right, makes it a lot easier to manage our duties, especially with all the extras she’s offering at 3TLeadership.com.
- What’s next for Laura Stack? Check 3TLeadership.com for the run-up to her new book, the superlative Doing the Right Things Right.
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