Looking Back on What Worked and What Didn’t: Conducting a Project Post Mortem

Looking Back on What Worked and What Didn't: Conducting a Project Post Mortem by Laura Stack #productivity

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result."—Attributed to Albert Einstein, German-American physicist. If the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the term "post mortem" is a medical examiner or the novel by Patricia Cornwell, then you're in good company. But the term is useful for more than describing autopsies; it also has a long history of use as a business term, at least when applied to recently finished projects. The idea here is to examine the entire venture, from beginning to end, and identify two categories of actions: things you and your team did right, and things you did wrong. That said, don't treat a project post mortem as a blame game. Use the process as a teachable moment so you can move forward confidently, having … [Read more...]

Agile Project Management: Refining the Tactics of Productivity

Agile Project Management: Refining the Tactics of Productivity by Laura Stack #productivity

"Agility means that you are faster than your competition. Agile time frames are measured in weeks and months, not years." -- Michael Hugos, American business writer. "Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion." -- Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric. … [Read more...]

Maintenance vs. progress

Ahhhh...what a wonderful Thanksgiving break.  I hope you enjoyed the long holiday weekend!  Rested, ate, played...and made some progress.  Not just maintained the status quo or existing systems, but you made progress.  Yes, it's important to maintain your systems: food is prepared, the house is cleaned, dishes are washed, bills are paid, etc.  But nothing is gained with those activities; there is no forward momentum.  Those things are done simply to keep you from sliding backward.  You got out all the nice china for Thanksgiving dinner.  You washed it.  You ate on it.  You washed it.  You put it away.  Back to the same place you were before.  Yes, of course you have wonderful memories with your family and relaxed a bit.  … [Read more...]

Create a list of important papers

In helping my grandparents get their papers in order recently, we had to search for some important items, and they couldn't put their hands on some things right away.  In the event of a death or a disaster in your life, would your loved ones be able to help you or make the proper arrangements?  I recommend you sit down and spend some time typing out a list of all your important information, numbers, contact information, locations, passwords, etc., and keep it in a lockbox or fireproof safe, or give a copy to a trusted family member...just in case.  I got you started with a template at https://theproductivitypro.com/PDFs/Important_papers.pdf.  Don't put it off! … [Read more...]